Warrior Plug & Revor Plug - First Plug Experience & Reviews

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Feb 13, 2013
A friend of mine brought back some Mick McQuaid Plug for me from Ireland. After I tried it and decided I might want some more, I emailed the Peterson shop in Dublin. They said that they will take credit card orders from the states, unlike retailers in the UK. They also carry some other plugs as well.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 8, 2012
I also couldn't believe just how easy smoking these plugs were. When I first saw them I was intimidated
Well, that was me. I have had some Warrior Plug aging for about 6 months. A generous forum member gifted this to me but I have been afraid to try it. I can handle a lot of nicotine, and have had no problems smoking Irish X or Brown Happy Bogie, but I just don't like the flavor that much of those very strong blends. Warrior Plug looks really intimidating. A solid, very dense, very dark little brick of foreboding. I finally sliced a flake, rubbed it out, and lit it up. WOW. KAPOW! Not just nicotine, but dense, heavenly full bodied deliciousness. Fruity, earthy, and a bit sweet. Love it.



Dec 25, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
Simon sent me a plug on the last order of Condor. I've been hesitant to smoke it since its my only plug of the stuff but am going to slice it for our up coming vacation and 20th wedding anniversary.
Love the stuff.
Pipe Divan also sells it, they are based in Ireland as well and prices are below what Mr. Snuff charges.

May 31, 2012
Warrior Plug looks really intimidating. A solid, very dense, very dark little brick of foreboding. I finally sliced a flake, rubbed it out, and lit it up. WOW. KAPOW! Not just nicotine, but dense, heavenly full bodied deliciousness. Fruity, earthy, and a bit sweet. Love it.
No doubt.

it's my favorite baccy of all time.

If I could get it at regular prices I'd have a ton of the stuff.
I have noticed a difference in the Irish market stuff as compared to the England market stuff, i.e.: pouches from Pipe Divan vs. Mr.Snuff --- the Irish market stuff seems to have a heavier topping for some reason, at least the 3 pouches I smoked, I prefer the England market stuff, it's still got the topping but much more understated.
I didn't really care for the Revor very much, I'm pretty sure it's made by Gawith Hoggarth and you can tell as soon as you smoke it that it has that topping/casing style and it's not as densely pressed as the STG stuff.
Plugs are my favorite.
I used to cut them up all at once in one sitting, using a knife - I'd be sweating, it's like work!

I still cube cut them all at once and put it all back in the original pouch, but I was fortunate enough to find a Yankee Slicer on the cheap and it works like a charm, I love the thing! :!:

It looks like this:

Makes life so easy for a plugnutter like me!

Even though I already have one, mine ain't got a decal,

I had been watching this one but forgot to bid on it,

dammit! :evil:
Antique Cast Iron Cigar Tobacco Cutter Slicer No. 0 Genuine Master Workman Chew
They're the perfect table-top size and the auction linked above is about the average price for one,

well worth seeking out if yer a pluggy 'ol fug!
Been smoking Velvan Plug recently (only available at Pipe Divan) and that stuff too is yummy,

not quite as stout as the Warrior, but deeply delicious in and of itself!

Quite the unique deep flavor.
My dreams may come true when The Standard Tobacco Co. releases their upcoming War Horse Bar into the wild,

I plan on hoarding it in massive quantities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All we really got at regular prices is PPP and it's more a strong mediumish, so the War Horse will be galloping into my pipes bigtime!
Glory be!




Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 23, 2012
Troy, looking forward to trying Plug Tobacco for the first time as ole Buddy Simon is sending me a Condor Plug, looking for it in the mail today. If the flavor profile is more pronounced with the Plug than my regular Condor ready rubbed I am not sure I can stand the pressure. LOL

Dec 24, 2012
Pat's reviews are like a fine bordeaux - they get better with time.
Since this review, I have tried these blends and quite like them both, though I have a modest preference for Revor.

May 31, 2012
Pat's reviews are like a fine bordeaux - they get better with time.
What about Brian?

I like his room note description,

but a question remains,

is he really sitting beside Pat,

or is he actually inside Pat?


I could smell the aroma from across the room and it was very nice indeed! I think it would knock my wimpy behind for a loop however, so I'll stick to sitting beside you and enjoying the smell when you light one up next.

My experience has been that the Plug is a little less sauced and more earthy, it still of course has that lovely Condor flavor and it's got a delightful full depth - it's great stuff indeed and I know you will enjoy it immensely being the CondorMan that you are.

pm sent to get yer phone #




Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 23, 2012

My experience has been that the Plug is a little less sauced and more earthy, it still of course has that lovely Condor flavor and it's got a delightful full depth - it's great stuff indeed and I know you will enjoy it immensely being the CondorMan that you are.
Troy, my curiosity has got the best of me and hoping you and Simon can shed some light on the matter. Why is it that the Condor plug is the only Condor variation that still carries the Gallaher Tobacco label? Thanks for the help.

May 31, 2012
Troy, my curiosity has got the best of me and hoping you and Simon can shed some light on the matter. Why is it that the Condor plug is the only Condor variation that still carries the Gallaher Tobacco label? Thanks for the help.
I dunno,

Simon or Dan may be better to answer that because they've done some serious research into the matter.
I had an older pouch of Long Cut from my dear friend Klause in Ireland and it still carried the Gallaher label.
I think Japan Tobacco International are just simply idiots,

in my humble opinion of course,

but I'm damn glad they still make the stuff.
I wish someone in Ireland could have bought the factory that's soon to close,

a damn shame.
I'm not even sure where the stuff is made,

be it Ireland?

Or Denmark like everything else?
The hostile political environment in the UK did away with all our beloved baccy houses,

as the politburo and social progressives were too heavily influenced by the Euro Union,

and cared not for the grand British tradition of producing the best baccy ever known to man,

how these things happen is beyond me,

I ain't too smart with business nor mathematics nor trademarks nor not much else,

all I know is that I love the Brit method of steam-pressed flakes and plugs added with those yummy special sauces,

and it saddens me that the originators have been lost to the dustbin of history.




Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 23, 2012
"I had an older pouch of Long Cut from my dear friend Klause in Ireland and it still carried the Gallaher label".
Troy, I keep all of my empty pouches, I dunno why, but the Gallaher Limited label disappeared somewhere around 5 years ago I think when JTI bought Gallaher. As far as I know the Condor Plug is the only one that still says Gallaher Tobacco to date. I think also it may be the only one still manufactured in Ireland as that is the only place it is available as you know. I believe Simon told me Condor RR and probably the Long cut as well are made in Denmark, I think by STG maybe. I like yourself wish the old factory in Ireland could have been saved. I may not should say this, but I wish I could have been born in the 50's so I could have had longer to enjoy this fine ole Tobacco House and it's wonderful tobacco. Long live the mighty Condor!
Eric :worship:



Might Stick Around
Dec 12, 2014
I've had them both and find them different from one another. The Warrior Plug, for me, is very similar to the Mick McQuaid Plug, and you have to smoke them slowly to coax any flavor from them. Revor is a different animal. It is blended by GH and has that Lakeland presence (lavendar like) in the pouch aroma and it translates into the smoke. I'd have to add that the way they process their Kentucky makes it taste a bit like Latakia. It's also an easier plug to work with. Looks more like a candy bar with the layers not as densely pressed together as with Warrior. This makes it very easy to rip it apart (no knife required) to prepare it for your smoke. Both are not bad, but not something I smoke very regularly.



Aug 20, 2013
I did two buys from Ireland a few months ago, Condor exclusively, though I did eye the other plugs above intensely. I fell head over heels in love with Condor and couldn't bring myself to buy other tobaccos and less Condor. But all of the above are on my short list.



Jun 30, 2013
I still have a bit of the revor plug. I find it to be a nice lakeland style tobacco. I have a brick of the warrior I have not tried yet.


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