HISTORY: In the 20th Century a cumulative fanaticism which started in the 19th Century and was based on the opinions of many A-- holes of the era and based upon the 'so called fact' that alcohol was a major public health hazard, evil, and had to be outlawed led to
PROHIBITION, the outlawing of almost all drinking alcohol in the USA and the rise of major crime cartels. These same A-- holes are doing a good job with the same scenario and illegal drugs - BUT THIS IS NOT ENOUGH - HELL HAS NO LIMIT TO ASSANINE THINKING!
'THEY' want to do the same thing with tobacco! Some cities have oulawed outdoor smoking, some indoor smoking AND YOU KNOW WHERE THESE 'PROHIBITIONISTS' ARE GOING - THEY WANT TO OUTLAW ALL TOBACCO PERIOD!
If you still smoke they insist you quit or else you are considered by them not only to be endangerig your own health which theoretically is costing the public money in hospital costs {they forget to mention that you are supposed to die early from smoking and therefor are saving money in health care, medicare, social security, etc. but that truth does not fit their agenda}; AND NOW YOU ARE A MASS MURDERER! YOUR SECOND HAND SMOKE IS CONTRIBUTING TO 50,000 DEATHS A YEAR????? 'They' want you dead to satisfy their statistical paradigm and to save the public health!
Sound familiar? PROHIBITION all over again in the 21st Century. The fact that the latest statistics show light to moderate drinkers outlive non-drinkers in almost all categories and research has shown cigar smokers to live almost as long as non-smokers and pipe smokers
to actually live two years longer than non-smokers is irrelevant to these people - in order to achieve the agenda they want to outlaw tobacco and if 'they' can't stop you from smoking 'they' want you dead! AND YOU CAN DRINK TO THAT - THEY LOST THE ALCOHOL WAR!
A NEO-NAZI FASCIST, IS A FASCIST, IS FASCIST! {Hitler hated tobacco and meant well didn't he?}
May freedom triumph,
-Alienated Friend
HISTORY: In the 20th Century a cumulative fanaticism which started in the 19th Century and was based on the opinions of many A-- holes of the era and based upon the 'so called fact' that alcohol was a major public health hazard, evil, and had to be outlawed led to
PROHIBITION, the outlawing of almost all drinking alcohol in the USA and the rise of major crime cartels. These same A-- holes are doing a good job with the same scenario and illegal drugs - BUT THIS IS NOT ENOUGH - HELL HAS NO LIMIT TO ASSANINE THINKING!
'THEY' want to do the same thing with tobacco! Some cities have oulawed outdoor smoking, some indoor smoking AND YOU KNOW WHERE THESE 'PROHIBITIONISTS' ARE GOING - THEY WANT TO OUTLAW ALL TOBACCO PERIOD!
If you still smoke they insist you quit or else you are considered by them not only to be endangerig your own health which theoretically is costing the public money in hospital costs {they forget to mention that you are supposed to die early from smoking and therefor are saving money in health care, medicare, social security, etc. but that truth does not fit their agenda}; AND NOW YOU ARE A MASS MURDERER! YOUR SECOND HAND SMOKE IS CONTRIBUTING TO 50,000 DEATHS A YEAR????? 'They' want you dead to satisfy their statistical paradigm and to save the public health!
Sound familiar? PROHIBITION all over again in the 21st Century. The fact that the latest statistics show light to moderate drinkers outlive non-drinkers in almost all categories and research has shown cigar smokers to live almost as long as non-smokers and pipe smokers
to actually live two years longer than non-smokers is irrelevant to these people - in order to achieve the agenda they want to outlaw tobacco and if 'they' can't stop you from smoking 'they' want you dead! AND YOU CAN DRINK TO THAT - THEY LOST THE ALCOHOL WAR!
A NEO-NAZI FASCIST, IS A FASCIST, IS FASCIST! {Hitler hated tobacco and meant well didn't he?}
May freedom triumph,
-Alienated Friend