When I was young me and two of my friends who also smoked pipe often admired all the beautiful (and unaffordable) pipes that lay ln the shopwindow of a local tobacconist. Especially the Dunhills and the Charatans were discussed although none of us had personal experiences with these pipes. Later on I never bought a Dunhill until last year when I won a Bruyere 4102 with two original stems for $ 219. Sure, this is a third of the original price but really, I won't spend this amount for a Dunhill again.I think Dunhills are attractive traditional pipes, but the prices new and used seem like a marketing stunt, commendable business acumen but a scam to the consumer. So no, not worth it to me anyway. If you want up-market pipes, factory or artisan, just shop many other up-market brands that give you two comparable pipes for the price of one Dunhill.