Thank you all for the welcome! My wife's churchwarden came in yesterday and she's super excited about it! I'll post pictures once my pipe and everything else comes in 
Welcome from another Missourian. If you're interested in meeting a nice tobacconist and getting advice check out John Dengler Tobacconist in St. Charles, MO. If you go to their website and select Tobaccos they have a nice description of their blends.
How's the pipes and baccy going?
You aint smoking the right stuff if thats what you think. Try some dark flake, erinmore flake or 1792. Smoke it sitting down.(Although I definitely understand now what y'all meant by pipe smoking is "weaker" than cigars. The flavors aren't nearly as in your face).
1. Should I tamp mid-smoke when I relight, or should the single tamp and relight at the beginning be enough?
2. Is it good/OK to stir the bowl mid-smoke?
3. When the pipe goes out, should I tap it out and/or scrape off the top layer of ash before relighting?
4. If we don't finish a whole bowl in one sitting, is it fine to let it sit until the next evening and smoke it, or should I toss what's left, clean it, and start fresh next time?