I’ve been to this store twice. Both times, the owner came across as pretentious. I was the only customer there both times.
The first time the owner specifically recommended a blend I had just explained what I wasn’t looking for. I wished to find limited blends or VaPers and he suggested Peterson Balkan. When I politely declined it was as if I no longer existed.
The second time I walked in to browse. As I was looking at pipes, the owner and worker were at the front area. I asked a question if he had any pipes with hand cut stems. He asked my budget and I said around $150. His reply “you’re not going to find any hand cut stems for less than $300. Ascorti is the only maker that you can buy from and they’re way out of your budget.” I replied “I have fifteen pipes with hand cut stems and haven’t spent over $150.” He scoffed and replied “then you were ripped off and they were lying to you.” The tone was obviously demeaning.
I had most of the pipes in my car in case I would’ve stopped to smoke, but the store closed smoking due to Covid. It wasn’t worth my time to show the pipes and prove the hipster D wrong.