Virginia Tobaccos and English/UK Made Pipes

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Staff member
Apr 8, 2009
In this thread about dedicating pipes, Cortezattic mentioned something that I think would make a good discussion of it's own. Here is what he said:
Cortezattic Said: My only suggestion would be to take Paul Szabady's advice and smoke Virginia flake tobaccos in English/UK made pipes. According to Szabady the two evolved together -- and I think he's right about the pairing.
OK, just because I like thought provoking discussions (and sometimes stirring the pot, lol) I would like to comment on this.
I have heard this statement about dedicating VA tobaccos to English made pipes before and I understand where the theory might come. But after some thought (I was actually just talking to Kevin about this a couple of days ago), I disagree with it and here is why.
In my opinion, I would say that the wood (briar) would have the most impact on the flavor/taste of the tobacco other than the actual tobacco itself. I know that different shapes of pipe bowls can have an affect, but I still think the majority of it comes from the briar itself.
Each block of briar is an individual and has its own "identity" if you will. Whether the actual pipe was carved in England, Italy, Denmark, etc. would have no bearing on it. It would be more of where the block grew and was harvested more so than what country it ended up in and where it was carved.
I am interested in what everyone else thinks. Let the discussion begin!



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
To be completely fair to Szabady, I'll quote directly from the The Pipe Tobacco Aging, Storage and Cellaring FAQ, which, regrettably, is currently offline.
Also worth mentioning is the persnicketiness of Virginias regarding the pipes it is smoked in. Since this tobacco evolved in England in symbiosis with English pipes, it is of great benefit to try it in UK/ Irish pipes. Most long-term virginia smokers will attest to the almost magical synergy of virginia tobaccos to certain brands of pipe.

Paul Szabady, 1999-11-14

I think this has something to do with the geometry of the classic standard shapes, and not so much the wood. Elsewhere Szabady advises sipping on Va flakes, which may be easier to do while sustaining an ember in some bowl types. Also, as GL Pease has mentioned, some pipes can act like a flamethrower with some tobaccos, but tame-down others.



Might Stick Around
Mar 2, 2010
My guess is that this gentleman has far superior olfactory talents to my own.



Jan 17, 2010
woodlands tx . Here is one more opinion . Thoughts to ponder over a nice Va or Vaper .



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 7, 2009
I cannot imagine an ODA Dunhill or one of my Willmer's filled with FVF, IF or UF.



Can't Leave
Aug 31, 2010
How wonderful it would be if I could echo the words of Paul Szabady without a smirk.But for now I am in a happy place.If I ever can arrive in that space because of experience and knowledge,I will have grown into a much more mature and self confident pipe smoker.

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