60% red virginia
40% dark fired kentucky
Pressed the leaf in alternate layers. Overnight in the noodle press. Wrapped in tin foil this morning and put in the oven at around 200°C for about 3-4 hours. I tried a bowl this morning unstoved and it was nice, I'll see what the stoving has done maybe tonight.
I've been doing some simpler Virginia Kentucky blends, seeing what I can do with just the two leaves. Various stoving and casing topping. Decided to take the simple theme a bit further and press then stove. No casing or topping.
I usually stove the whole destemmed leaves first to where I want them and then press later(where I can try various percentages) but trying this press first stove after, inspired by macbarens bold Kentucky or ODF I suppose. 40% Kentucky with the red virginia (a but stronger than the bright virginia from wholeleaftobacco) is a good mix for a strength just past medium suitable for anytime of the day. If it's cased with syrup or sugar the Kentucky percentage can go a little higher as the additional sugar tames the tobacco and changes the ph.
40% dark fired kentucky
Pressed the leaf in alternate layers. Overnight in the noodle press. Wrapped in tin foil this morning and put in the oven at around 200°C for about 3-4 hours. I tried a bowl this morning unstoved and it was nice, I'll see what the stoving has done maybe tonight.
I've been doing some simpler Virginia Kentucky blends, seeing what I can do with just the two leaves. Various stoving and casing topping. Decided to take the simple theme a bit further and press then stove. No casing or topping.
I usually stove the whole destemmed leaves first to where I want them and then press later(where I can try various percentages) but trying this press first stove after, inspired by macbarens bold Kentucky or ODF I suppose. 40% Kentucky with the red virginia (a but stronger than the bright virginia from wholeleaftobacco) is a good mix for a strength just past medium suitable for anytime of the day. If it's cased with syrup or sugar the Kentucky percentage can go a little higher as the additional sugar tames the tobacco and changes the ph.