I’ve been stocking up on tobacco afraid they might tax it severely, and one of my online purchases was a 9 ounce bag of Virginia Gold - Black and Gold- by Lane.
It cost $9.99 for a nine ounce bag. There are several Virginia Gold blends, this one is named Black and Gold.
Folks, this is absolutely a delicious fully aromatic candy flavored blend!
The candy smell whacks you when you open the package, and you’ll want to sprinkle this stuff on your ice cream.
The label says it has the right amount of burley and black cavendish and a touch of whiskey. I say it’s tobacco flavored like cotton candy you can smoke in a pipe, and I love this blend.
Theres coconut and raisins and bread and lots and lots of candy sweetness going on here.
I’ve just ordered seven more packages, nearly four pounds, for seventy bucks.
So now feel free to make your order, that I’ve got mine.

It cost $9.99 for a nine ounce bag. There are several Virginia Gold blends, this one is named Black and Gold.
Folks, this is absolutely a delicious fully aromatic candy flavored blend!
The candy smell whacks you when you open the package, and you’ll want to sprinkle this stuff on your ice cream.
The label says it has the right amount of burley and black cavendish and a touch of whiskey. I say it’s tobacco flavored like cotton candy you can smoke in a pipe, and I love this blend.
Theres coconut and raisins and bread and lots and lots of candy sweetness going on here.
I’ve just ordered seven more packages, nearly four pounds, for seventy bucks.
So now feel free to make your order, that I’ve got mine.