I opened the tin about an hour ago. As I broke the seal the hiss made it obvious that this tin was still very well sealed. The tobacco inside is a bit drier than I'm used to but then again I've only been smoking plug and aromatic tobaccos. I smoked a bowl in a pipe that I have recently been smoking cherry tobacco, so I can't completely speak for the taste at the moment as it appears there was added sweetness from the ghost that's living in the pipe at the moment, but I can say that it is a very mild tobacco in flavor and it burns extremely well and I didn't get any bite, which I'm pretty amazed with as I'm fairly new to pipe smoking, but then again the tobacco burned very cool in my pipe. The room note is pleasant, but definitely not the nicest smelling tobacco I have smoked. The Mick McQuaid plug I've been smoking smells much nicer, but then again the Mick McQuaid plug has a casing on it that is way more apparent than anything in this tobacco, if it is in fact cased at all. I'll smoke this for a while and report back anything else that I pick up on it. I must say, for the price I payed (less than half what I would pay for 100g of tobacco here) I am pleased with my purchase. Plus I like the fact that the tin is old enough that there are no warnings on the packaging at all.