I have had smoked meat , but have never smoked meat before :roll:
crazypipe Lifer Sep 23, 2012 3,484 0 Dec 13, 2012 #21 I have had smoked meat , but have never smoked meat before :roll:
thesmokindragon Lifer Jul 12, 2011 4,142 4,546 The Matrix Dec 13, 2012 #22 Thanks Russ, much appreciated...
gray4lines Part of the Furniture Now Nov 6, 2012 679 2 KY Dec 14, 2012 #23 Can't wait to try! Too bad I just put in my order.. thanks Russ
cynyr Part of the Furniture Now Feb 12, 2012 730 1,757 Tennessee Dec 14, 2012 #24 Just put in my order!
oldpops41 Starting to Get Obsessed Nov 28, 2012 133 1 Dec 16, 2012 #25 Really its not sold anywhere thats not right to tease a man with bacon and maple syrup and then not sell it hmmmm
Really its not sold anywhere thats not right to tease a man with bacon and maple syrup and then not sell it hmmmm
hans Starting to Get Obsessed Dec 3, 2012 189 1 Dec 16, 2012 #26 Just ordered a couple ounces myself. Damn you Russ and your fine blends driving me into TAD oblivion!
Just ordered a couple ounces myself. Damn you Russ and your fine blends driving me into TAD oblivion!
05venturer Lifer Nov 25, 2012 1,622 2 Amery,WI Dec 16, 2012 #28 mmmmmmmm Bacooon +1 Bacon makes everything better
vaboatbuilder Starting to Get Obsessed Nov 7, 2012 184 0 Dec 16, 2012 #29 ill have to wait till the 27th to put my order in it will my second this month
mkvillaire Might Stick Around Sep 8, 2012 86 0 Dec 25, 2012 #30 Just curious what this stuff tastes like. Can someone comment onthe taste who has tried it? I see that its now available in bulk.
Just curious what this stuff tastes like. Can someone comment onthe taste who has tried it? I see that its now available in bulk.
05venturer Lifer Nov 25, 2012 1,622 2 Amery,WI Dec 25, 2012 #31 I got my 8 oz order in the mail the other day, I find a smoky sweetness to it with hints of maple and kinda woody. I enjoy it, i have only smoke 3-4 bowls of it and it seems better each bowl :clap:
I got my 8 oz order in the mail the other day, I find a smoky sweetness to it with hints of maple and kinda woody. I enjoy it, i have only smoke 3-4 bowls of it and it seems better each bowl :clap:
05venturer Lifer Nov 25, 2012 1,622 2 Amery,WI Dec 25, 2012 #33 it is a bit aromatic but i don't feel it is very strong
1 1coolsmoke Lurker Feb 9, 2012 44 0 Dec 25, 2012 #34 Ordered some last night along with some other blends can't wait to try it.