Up until I found the internet and pipe forums I'd not ever heard of much less seen an OTC Burley codger blend.
Since then I've tried Carter Hall, Prince Albert and Sir Walter Raleigh.
All fine blends that I could smoke all day.
Then I bought some Granger from SunriseBoy.
Due to my appreciation of the previous Burley blends and the way
@Grangerous really talks it up [best thing since sliced bread, right mate?] I was really looking forward to its arrival in the post.
When it did I eagerly packed an MM Country Gentleman. Lit her up and got puffing.
First impression was good. Another nice Burley codger blend. Maybe I should have bought more while I had the chance I was thinking [Not easy to get tobacco here at a reasonable price]
Then when I got halfway through the bowl, things changed and not for the better. The taste turned bitter.
The MM cob was chosen because it had just been cleaned a couple of bowls prior.
No tobacco goes to waste here. Usually when I've bought a tobacco that didn't suit my tastes I've been able to tweak it by adding a bit of this or that or mixing it with another blend.
The taste of the Granger at the halfway mark however, has me in fear that I could ruin good tobacco by adding even a smidgeon of the stuff.
Not that I'd ever bin tobacco or use it as compost.
Maybe there's a fellow Aussie who'd like to do a swap?
It's not as bad as I make out. I've got real crappy taste anyhow so don't take my comments seriously.
So who'd like to swap another OTC Burley for a couple of ounces of Granger?
Just ask Grangerous and he'll tell you it's good stuff. No really.