Yeah baby. I was at cribbage club the other night and noticed that all of us men had a beard but one guy. I told him he needed to grow one. Women love beards.
The only thing I store in mine is extra food to eat if I get hungry later.
Yes they do!
Funny story my wife kept telling me to shave it off and usually i do but this time i put my foot down and said nope. :clap: pause for applause...
Then she admitted to me that she secretly thinks it looks sexy on me and was just telling me to shave to get on my mothers side. Fact Woman love the beard.
My wife and daughter enjoy my beard. The other way also applies. My wife has had hip length hair most of her life. During college the other girls would try to talk her into cutting her hair shorter. She would turn to the nearest guy and ask, "Do you like long hair or short hair?" The answer was always long hair. Then she would turn back to the girls and ask if they had any other questions.
Man I can't wait til I can grow a beard. The things I give up for the core...but on a lighter note, found out I got selected for SSgt. That secures my ability to start in til I get to 20. 11 1/2 more years...then it's game on. I already told my wife i'm not shaving for a year after I retire.
Kudos to standing up for your beard. Not only are beards good for storage, I have been told that they are also economical. I'll try and find out why, but i'd imagine its related to male grooming products like razors and shaving cream.
Nice, Smokey and Brad! I'm 30 years old and can't grow a good beard to save my life! I can grow a killer mustache though, I had one from the time I was 13 till I was 26!
Maybe in another six months my beard will grow into that! I'm feeling less manly with how pathetically long it's takin go grow my beard, oh well. :worship:
Looking good! My beard goes on in mid October. I tell the wife that its to help keep me warm in the deer stand, but it just because I hate shaving everyday!