Likely it was known generally where she was, but it is expensive to go looking, and that's a deep hole. The phrasing is a bit strange -- it was sunk after a naval exercise -- like they don't want to allow it was scuttled, for the exercise or after. I guess they considered it being a museum, etc., also expensive. N.C. has done a good job with its namesake battleship in Wilmington, N.C. Below decks, it feels like a cave, a geological formation rather than a floating ship, pretty amazing. I was a minesweeper guy, smallest oceangoing ship, and at the time made of wood, Washington spruce. Long after my experience, they've gone to the Littoral Combat Ship, in two separate versions by different ship builders. There's a whole long story with those, but they are in commission I believe. The minesweeper fleet is much smaller compared to my time, as is the whole fleet.