Kind of an interesting coincidence that I stumbled onto this topic, b/c I have recently been put in kind of an awkward position.
First, though, I have to say that I smoked my first pipe in my mid-teens and would certainly have found a way to smoke a pipe regardless of adult opinion. From the time I was very young, I knew I'd eventually become a pipe smoker and longed for the day I earned the privilege. I've never been tempted to use tobacco except if smoked in a pipe (I've dabbled in cigars very superficially, but I just don't enjoy them). I admit that I didn't like sneaking around with my pipe before I turned 18, but I'll also admit that I don't regret it: I learned how to enjoy pipes and tobacco way back then, and delaying the initiation would have deprived me of a few years of pleasure. My mother was the first adult in my family to find out. I was in college, and I'd already been smoking my pipe in public fairly openly. She was initially a little disappointed that I'd hidden it while I was "under age," but her main reaction was totally sensible. "You're an adult, and if you're going to smoke tobacco, I'm glad to see that you've chosen a pipe, which you're not likely to get addicted to." She was absolutely right, and eventually the rest of the family got used to it without much fuss at all.
Now, I have a young relative who's 16 and who's been telling me for the past five years he's determined to smoke a pipe as soon as he's "allowed." He's not my kid, and I have neither encouraged nor discouraged him, but I've never refrained from smoking my pipe around him. He is definitely drawn to it, and he already knows a lot. He has a couple of older friends who smoke an occasional cigar or pipe - maybe with the tacit knowledge of their parents. I would be really surprised if the kid hasn't sampled tobacco already (I certainly had by his age). Not long ago, I noticed that one of my pipes had been smoked by someone other than me, and now I'm in an awkward position. I definitely don't want him or his parents to get the idea that I've "encouraged" him by supplying him with the pipe and tobacco. I also know the kid probably felt bad about sneaking my pipe and would feel even worse if I confronted him. I doubt I'd tell his parents, but I'd sure insist that he hold off until he's 18, or at least get his parent's permission if he insists on smoking an occasional pipe. Still kind of a contradictory position for me, though: I had my own pipes at his age and smoked whenever I wanted - but w/o parental knowledge or approval.
If he were my son, though, I'd definitely acknowledge the kid's decision to smoke a pipe (instead of cigarettes or weed, for example). What I'd really like to do is let him know I don't think he should be sneaking around with my pipes and tobacco - not because I don't want him to enjoy pipe smoking but because it's just not acceptable behavior. And then what I'd like to do is offer to give him a pipe, show him how to smoke it, and learn to enjoy it under my adult supervision. If he could get his parents to agree, then I think a real dilemma would be solved.
What does everybody else think?