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Feb 26, 2010
Way back in the day, when Regan was president, I read that he gave Mikhail Gorbachev a set of smoking pipes made from space shuttle thermal tile. We know the properties of meershaum, but a manufactured pure silica material has unbeatable thermal properties for use as a pipe bowl. In any event, I used to work on the shuttle program, and came into posession of a block of this tile (don't ask).
For many years I used it in a space shuttle talk I gave at local schools to promote the space program. I would use a blowtorch to melt through an aluminum can (in three seconds), then heat this tile block until it glowed red. By the time I shut off the torch, the surface of the tile had cooled such that I could pick it up (to the amazement of the students). Although, I learned that if you drop the tile into the toilet as you are rushing to make your stupid presentation, it will absorb water and then the tile will burn the holy bejebers out of you hand when you do the demonstration (to the delight of the students).
Anyway, I don't do the demo anymore and I have been wondering if it might be possible to get this block of silica made into a pipe bowl. The material is SOFT. Almost like a mix between styrofoam and chalk. Does anyone know of a craftsman who would be willing to attempt to shape and drill this block into a pipe bowl? - just wondering...



Can't Leave
Jan 4, 2010
I don't know the answer to your question dillydallydan, but it seems to me that if the thermal tiles became hot when wet, that the fluids that accumulate in a pipe bowl and shank, might work against it.

On the other hand, the absorbing and thermal qualities of the material does seem to offer a lot to consider.
I think that it may be cost prohibitive though. Do you know what this stuff costs?
Thanks for something thought provoking and different.



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
I thought those materials were ablative, dissipating heat by vaporization. If so, wouldn't it be somewhat risky to smoke from such a pipe?



Feb 26, 2010
Interesting points guys. Max, I don't know what the tile costs to make, but it is very expensive. It doesn't matter now though because I already have the tile. It is irreplaceable though, which is why I would only entrust it to a real pro. As for absorbing moisture (or the oils from burning tobacco), it is the same as meerschaum in that regard and so I would expect the surface to need a couple of coats of beeswax just like meerschaums get.

As for your comment, Zattic - the space shuttle tiles (and thermal blankets) are not ablative. The thermal protection system was a new technology from what was used in the Apollo program. The tiles dissipate heat as fast as they absorb it due to the tiny spaces within the silica structure. The same tiles are used on every flight (except for damaged ones, and they are a real pain to remove and replace). You might be interested to know that the space shuttle orbiter is hosed down with a water protecting sealant (Scotch Guard) before every trip to the pad to ensure the tiles do not become water-logged (also, those tiles have a hard outer shell formed during the tile-making process which helps repel water, while my tile is "un-processed").

Anyway back to the pipe thing - if somebody out there has the equipment to drill briar or even better, has worked with meerschaum... I've got a project for you!



Can't Leave
Dec 29, 2009
I have made a few pipes but would hate to damage something that couldn't be replaced. Interesting though.

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