This virtual world of concentrates us all - maybe a dozen of us non-expatriate Brits - into one single, intimate, virtual space. The real world, by comparison, is the acme of desolation, especially if you live out on the sticks as I do. other day, walking through the market in Ludlow, I actually saw a passer-by smoking a pipe. Population 10,000 and I've lived here six years, and that was a first for me. Thing is, you won't see me smoking a pipe when walking around the town, as I prefer to give it my full attention - so I'll sit outside somewhere, like in a pub garden or a churchyard, or I'll smoke at home or when taking a break at work on the farm (where out of the dozen people I might see in a day aside from visitors, I'm the only one who smokes anything at all). How many of us, I wonder, are invisible in this way?
I quite enjoy solitude when smoking, and I wonder how many others in the town are pipe smokers I simply don't know about for the same reason. Maybe I should advertise. But here's another thing: in these forums, talk of politics, religion and such is strongly discouraged and - though I am a religious man and a political animal, I like the feeling of peace when I'm floating off into the empyrean on a cloud of sublimated nicotine: much as I might rejoice at first if someone asked to join me and took out his pipe and lit up, I would dread him starting a conversation about what's wrong with the world and how it should be put right (unless, of course, I happened to agree with what was said
