Obviously I am up to something involving the old stalwart, Three Nuns. For 30 years I’ve mostly smoked cherry aromatics and OTC blends and was (and still am) completely content. Recently I’ve been cleaning out the old family house where dad lived and came across cans of well over a dozen different brands of codger or drug store tobacco blends dad smoked. I ordered a bunch of samples and smoked my way through the tobaccos of yesteryear that my dad obviously enjoyed. It’s been a fun way to change up my normal smoking routine.

One mystery remained though, a single four ounce tin of Three Nuns. It seemed out of place from the 14 ounce or one pound cans dad bought. It’s also seems a bit more high-end than what he normally smoked. Why only one tin? Was it a gift? A special occasion smoke? Maybe he didn’t like it. Dad was in a Roman Catholic Seminary until WW2 started and he had two sisters who were nuns (they’re all pictured on the modified tin art above). Could it have been a humerous purchase based on the name? I’ll never know for sure, but I wanted to add this particular blend to my list of old tobaccos to try. This thread will just be my impressions of the current version of this grand old name in tobaccos, and maybe a bit of experimenting as I go. I know modifying Three Nuns has been discussed on this web site in years past, but I thought it might be interesting to share my efforts here. No insult is intended to the current blend of Three Nuns nor to those who enjoy it. If anyone has experimented with adding perique to Three Nuns, or otherwise modifying it, please feel free to add your thoughts if you like.