Two bowls in and I’m a believer!!

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May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
joesphcross - I had a tin and then I picked up bulk of Autumn Evening and it really seemed like the same exact blend. The bulk wasn't drier with a bit of a different flavor profile (the drier it gets the more the oils ie the flavor goes away). I did get them through SmokingPipes and I'd venture to say their turn over on it is a lot faster than the average B&M meaning it's not sitting on a shelf possibly drying out either from just being on the shelf in a plastic jar/jar with poorly sealed lid or someone going in and out of the jar to give someone 2oz here and 4oz there.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 27, 2018
I agree. Love trying the new blends I picked up yesterday and my online order should be here tomorrow. So I’ll have some new ones to try as well!!

I picked up some jars today so I can store them properly.

Aug 28, 2018
My Autumn Evening wont get here until the day I have to go out of town for business. Last time I ordered from Smokingpipes it was here in under 48hrs... This time it's on the slow boat. Same shipping method. :?



Can't Leave
Jun 17, 2018
Some blends are better if you open the tin and let them sit in a jar for a week or two. The first time I tried Squadron Leader and also Quiet Nights I packed a bowl right from the freshly opened packages...and didn't like either. So I jarred them up and let them sit for a few weeks and it was a completely different (better) experience.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
What? I just don't understand what someone means when they say that anything about pipe tobacco is expensive. Are you guys paying for this by panhandling spare change outside the airport? Look at cigars... that is expensive. Even if pipe tobacco was $50 a tin, it would not be as expensive as $10 a smoke.
The problem is that we are spoiled. It is so INEXPENSIVE that when someone sees reasonably priced something something blends, it look expensive by compassion. It really make us look like a bunch of goobs.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 27, 2018
By expensive I mean price comparison from top brands to lesser brands!!

Like comparing Marlboro to basic or Tahoe !! There a labels that are $13.00 a pound vs $30.00 to $40.00 a pound

So when I started looking to order I had the impression that the higher priced labels were because of there name

And reputation!! Obviously this can be a very affordable habit or my wife would be fussing for me to go back to two packs a day

And that was ryo cigarettes very cheap like $8.50 a carton lol!!



Jun 6, 2017




Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 27, 2018
<p>Too funny!! I’ve also realized that a little goes a long way!! At first I was thinking 2 ounces<br />
Was not a lot and I would be going through a lot of tobacco!! But even smoking 6/7 pipes a day<br />
Two oz is a lot and will go along ways lol


Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 7, 2012
I agree with mso489's advice: don't get too carried away with a given blend until you have tried many. I'm sure you will find that your tastes change as your experience broadens. Personally, I never cared for aromatics, nor VA/Per's for that matter. I started with burleys and moved into English/Balkan, and still play in those blends, even these 50+ years later.
That is not meant to dissuade you from aros or VA/pers; just to make you aware your tastes may change. Towards that end, the advice to not be hasty in dismissing any given blend is also very good, since you may find later that it then fits your palate.
Regardless of what you find you like, enjoy it!
Happy lunting, and welcome!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 27, 2018
Any recommendations for strait tobacco blends? I really enjoy natural flavors almost more so than aromatics

Don’t get me wrong I do love vanilla and coffee and such but have always really enjoyed the natural flavors!



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Any recommendations for strait tobacco blends?

I suggest trying all of them. While I haven’t gotten to all of them myself, it is my goal. I just enjoy smoking, and trying new things. I am not a one blend man by any means. A few blends that I have tried aren’t favorites, but I haven’t had one that just repulsed me yet. I just find joy in the diversity.

However, some guys limit themselves to just a few. Nothing wrong with that either. But, after being a slave to one brand of cigarettes for decades, I don’t have any intentions of tying myself down.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 7, 2012
Any recommendations for strait tobacco blends?
Not sure exactly what you are seeking. Are you wanting a tobacco without any casing or top dressing? As I understand it, most burley or Virginia blends have been cased to improve the flavor of the tobacco and reduce some of the negative characteristics. Since most blends with which I am familiar have one or the other, or both, of these leafs, I cannot point you to one without said casing, unless you want something like straight Latikia, which I doubt you would enjoy at this point in your piping.
Top dressings, as I understand it, are generally applied to add aroma and flavoring, which figure prominently in aromatic blends. I have always considered those as blends smoked for the benefit of others in the room, not for the taste and pleasure of the piper. My opinion only, YMMV.
Perhaps one of the more knowledgeable pipers can chime in and help with this.

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