Turned Off of Aromatics

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 7, 2011
Some aros taste perfumy to me, while others just smell sweet. I have been expermenting myself and have found that my once favorite aros Captain black's black cavandish don't much appeal to me as much anymore. To this date my favorite is bag pipers dream, and tahiti from my tobacconist. The other day I had a burley that tasted great but made my head swim. I still like it...just go slower with it now.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 13, 2010
Following the white rabbit
While I much, much prefer English type blends, there are a couple of aromatics that I do enjoy, especially Uhle's Irish Aromatic.
If you like it, you like it, if you don't you don't. Smoke what you enjoy. That is what it is all about.



Jun 5, 2010
Cornelius, NC
I have a love/hate relationship with Aromatics, still keep going back to a few and still mixing some of them 50/50 to find a hidden gem somewhere.

Mar 1, 2014
I find it interesting that I far prefer the "candy" flavour of aromatics, and yet my top three tobaccos are not aromatic (SG St. James Flake, Escudo, G.L.Pease Cairo).

It seems to me that the best pure tobacco is every bit as flavourful as a strong aromatic.
(Yes, I know this is a necro, it was an interesting topic.)



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I didn't really start off with aromatics. But, when I tried my first after months of smoking a pipe, I wasn't turned off by them. But, as I got into Virginias and VaPers, I just didn't smoke them. Now, I like a few of the mild aros, such as HD's Orignal Orange, MacB's Vanilla Flake, and McClelland's Fragrant Matured Cake, and a few others that have great mild tastes.
So far, everything I wasn't crazy about early on is starting to appeal to me. However, I haven't ever been a fan of the really over-the-top goopy aromatics, except Molto Dolce (but only occasionally). But, who knows, maybe one day I will be ready to tackle a cherry flavor, once I have scalded the last taste bud off my tongue :wink:



Feb 21, 2013
Fortunately, I started with fairly good aromatics from Tinder Box which were from Lane and Stokkebye. They

were skillfully and lightly flavored and I didn't tire of them. When you smoke the non-aromatic tobaccos, many

come to prefer them, or at least want to have them in rotation with the aromatics. I find that good aromatics

rest my palate and improve the English, Balkan, other interesting blends like Va/bur/Cav, etc., and single leaf

tobaccos, when I get back to them. Aromatics where the casing/flavoring is overdone has never appealed to me.

I think especially of an unpleasant holiday blend that was meant to give off a holiday room note, like a scented

candle. It wasn't good.



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
When I started piping over 40 years ago I went through just about every OTC available. I found a small B&M and the owner educated me about English blends and I've pretty much stayed that route all these years. However, when I do get a sweet tooth I turn to 3 aros, C&D's Gentleman Caller and Autumn Evening or my favorite aromatic Rattray's Bagpiper's Dream.

I've also been dabbling with what some call cross-overs and have found some I that enjoy on a regular basis. Tastes tend to change over time and, luckily, there are so many fine blends today that everyone will find something to suit them.

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