Tupperdore question for the cigar snobs

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Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 29, 2013
That is what I recommend to anybody thinking about getting into cigars.



Charter Member
May 5, 2009
I've always had to many cigars for my fussy humidors so I've always maintained a very stable coolerdore with gel sticks and lots of sheets of Cedar box dividers.
I smoke a lot of cigars and have always bought daily sticks to smoke on my drive to work but this season I decided to smoke up what I've been saving. Some of these $$ticks I've had in the cooler for close to 20 years and they are in perfect condition. I smoked a Monticrito #2 from the cooler at the fireworks tonight that I bought at the Toronto La Casa in the late 90's that was perfect. 8O

Sep 18, 2015
I have a Lot of cigars, probably more than some B&M's. I've been at this for quite a while.

For your situation Tupperware is your best option unless your willing to spend $500 + on a good humidor and even then it will probably be more matanence than you want to do.

Any humidor or tupperdor should be about 80% full. The humidifier jars are not good in a tupperdor they are not a two way humidifier, your cigars will not burn as well as they could, will be more prone to mold and will have a bitter aftertaste. Boveda is what you want. Beads/KL is the next best. In a tupperdor, as infrequently as you smoke the Boveda will probably last a year or more before you have to recharge them, buy twice as many as you need so that you can rotate them. The foam is a REALLY bad idea!




Oct 10, 2013

Interesting thread, especially since I just posted something about seegar storage to Briar Nation on FB.

Here's my Igloodor. I've had it for a long time, probably over 20 years now. The oldest box in it is mid 1990's and the newest is 2012 (the year that I started smoking a pipe). Like oldgeezersmoker, I've tried just about everything for humidification and settled on the Boveda packs. I use the 69% ones. It had been about a year since the Igloodor was last opened, and I was fully expecting to find a desiccated disaster when I opened it two days ago. Instead, I found that that the Boveda packs were still moist and the seegars were spectacular.


At the rate that I'm smoking seegars, this stash will be enjoyed by the lucky bastards that make it to my funeral.

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