Trying to Get Healthy

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Mar 1, 2013
Pat - you kill me :) I mean, I LOVE wings and beer. Best two food groups out there, but if I ride I think that I don't want to "waste" what I just did.
Politicalmonster - there are a LOT of things that I don't want to do anymore because of the jolly ol' USMC :)
Bri - the fact that you played with Lindros moves you WAAYYYY up the respectometer. As a Flyers fan I can tell you I saw that dude run over so many people and it wasn't pretty.
PN - I have used another app named It sounds very similar to lose it, there is a community to chat with other users. I also just purchased a Vitamix blender and have been drinking smoothies about 2 times per day. Spinach, kale, pineapple, banana, and orange make a banging breakfast with only natural sugars and plenty of vitamins.



Dec 30, 2012
Dan, trust me I wasn't in his league I just played in a high enough level to be on the ice at the same time. He was light years better than anyone on the ice (iincluding me) at that time. He was a man among boys and it was quite scary to be honest. However I did play against him and survived. I lost the passion for whatever reason after i tore my ACL in my junior draft year and basically walked away. Maybe it was getting the Crap kicked outta me for so long that I finally had enough! Lol, anyways it's pretty sad that nowadays I'm winded after walking 2.5km, but I guess you have to start somewwhere.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 21, 2013
Congrats on getting yourself going!.

I am ex army,I blew out when I moved to Germany and got stuck into the beer, bread and German fatty food. Ended up 116 kg(255) pounds. Decided to do something about it when I started getting mystery pains and puffing climbing stairs. I train everyday no more than an hour and keep my cardio to HIIT (max 30 mins) on grass to spare the ex army knees. I also have a dodgy left shoulder so have to be careful with that. I keep a very close eye on my calorie intake but still allow myself 2500 to 2800 per day. That is a tonne of food when eating healthy. I eat 5 times a day and am pretty fit now. (Although I did just have a slack month). I try and keep disciplined but also take it easy on myself if things don't work out (training wise) as planned.

My wife and I are expecting a baby so it's good motivation to not shuffle off the mortal coil quite yet.

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