Latakia is a very pungent, dominant tobacco. If there's enough of it to be called an English blend, it will trample everything else. Very few English blends taste appreciably different, and none smell different. The main difference is strength. I prefer strong tobacco, others differ. I like Dunhill blends because they always come at the perfect moisture for smoking, no fussing needed. All of their English blends except MM965 are simply weaker versions of Nightcap, the mackdaddy seek-no-further of English blends. EMP is the weakest of all. MM965 is the exception. It's not quite as strong or richly satisfying as Nightcap, but it has an interesting bouquet and a hint of sweetness that sets it apart. It's not enough different from Nightcap that I keep both in rotation, but if I couldn't get my hands on any Nightcap, I'd take MM965 as a second choice.