Over the past few years I have acquired a few inexpensive pipes and have smoked off and on. Recently I bought myself a nice peterson, as I wasn't all that happy with the pipes I already had. So far I am very happy with the purchase.
I have tended to gravitate to English blends. I've tried several and liked most of them; my favorite by far is Nightcap. I realize that many smokers find that they like a particular style and largely stick to it, but I haven't given other styles a fair chance and I'd like to remedy that. But after a few hours browsing various sites, the variety is overwhelming.
So I'd like to get recommendations: what would you consider to be the one or two best (and/or most representative) tobaccos in various categories? I suppose that would include aromatics (at the very least they are nice to have when company is over -- my preference would be something that smells really good but isn't too cloying in flavor), virgnia blends, and any other styles or sub-styles I might be missing. My goal is to find 3-4 new tobaccos to try.
Thank you!
I have tended to gravitate to English blends. I've tried several and liked most of them; my favorite by far is Nightcap. I realize that many smokers find that they like a particular style and largely stick to it, but I haven't given other styles a fair chance and I'd like to remedy that. But after a few hours browsing various sites, the variety is overwhelming.
So I'd like to get recommendations: what would you consider to be the one or two best (and/or most representative) tobaccos in various categories? I suppose that would include aromatics (at the very least they are nice to have when company is over -- my preference would be something that smells really good but isn't too cloying in flavor), virgnia blends, and any other styles or sub-styles I might be missing. My goal is to find 3-4 new tobaccos to try.
Thank you!