I ordered a tub as soon as I saw the special in my emailbox! I LOVE this tobacco when in an aromatic mood... deep, rich, good tobacco flavor with a warm, creamy butterscotch finish. And talk about a crowd-pleasing room note... whenever I want to thrill and delight the neighbors and/or party-goers here, I whip out the Trout Stream and any trusty briar and all the innocent bystanders are instantly transported to a different time and place. Depending on the ages of the sniffers, they can be instantly transported back to Grampa's on the farm, or happy crazy Uncle Vernie's, or Dad's sacred armchair in the evening, or the best county fair ever, or The West Easton Men's Athletic Club, or or or... and happy sigh, there it is. And I already have several jars bulk!
Just had a bowl of this last night, as a matter of fact! Wonderful! :