That's awesome Michael! Will you be posting a follow up once you actually smoke it? In case it's the greatest tobacco you've tried, have you considered any names for your blend?
Thanks for asking that, gogosamgo! I tried it on Friday. Before doing, I let it air-dry for about 12 hours because it was very moist from the rum added. My thoughts: really, really tasty! I don't think I necessarily struck gold; I just think rum + latakia are a nice mix. Burned pretty well so I'm glad I dried it first.
I like when my hobbies overlap so I decided that every blend I ever make will be named with a reference to the
Legend of Zelda video game series. For this one, since I added rum, I thought of the game Wind Waker, which is pirate-themed in its scope. Specifically I decided to name my blend
Windfall Island, which is a place you visit early in the game and where you meet pirates and get your bearings before heading out to bigger adventures. Seemed fitting enough! Nerdy corresponding imagery of the island below.