If you can pick up and discern the taste from a previous tobacco in a pipe that was simply laid out on a paper towel you have one hell of a sensitive palate! :wink:I got tired of using paper towels. Felt they were too porous and added a little taste from the previous blend.
My exact same first experience with a flake. SG FVF gave me a run for my money. I still have yet to revisit it because my first experience was so bad. I have about 4 tins in the cellar that have been there for about a year (I too heard it was hard to get so I stocked up after all the rave reviews I'd read). I've all but perfected fold and stuff, cube cut, and rubbing out with Solani ABF and Orlik GS. Maybe it's time I give the FVF another try. Either way don't be discouraged. Like the others have said and as I'm sure you've realized (just like I did), flakes aren't the best for beginners. I found when learning Solani and Orlik that the easiest method to start with was rubbing out and drying before packing. Like igloo said, I found that packing, charring, and then leaving a bowl for several hours to a day before lighting up can really help. I'd suggest giving Solani's 656 ABF a try. It's one of my favorites and seemed to be much more forgiving that SG. You'll get it down with time. Good Luck!My first flake was SG FVF. It was extremely well hyped and hard to get. I finally landed a tin and was very excited to try it. I opened the tin and layer out a flake to dry for an hour, which I thought was more than enough. I folded and stuffed that flake into a Savinelli 626 shape that always smoked great. Went out to the porch and lit up. Over the next hour I proceeded to scorch my tongue and relight that pipe about 40 times, and I was only half way through the bowl. Epic fail to say the least.