Toughest Pipe Smoking SOB in Movies.

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Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Say no more. I still remember watching that scene for the very first time. For me Lord of the Rings was probably the defining moment of my teenage years.

But still, the baddest person ever to smoke a pipe on screen was without a doubt the legendary Charles Bronson who was a true hero both in real life and on screen.


Aug 26, 2024
Not a fan of LOTR but the story's hero is Gollum.

There is a little Gollum in every one of us. Temptation, Greed & Money and the lack of a balance in our human DNA can make each and every one of us turn into an A-Hole 🤣 at the sight of a piece of bling-bling. That’s a modern term for jewelry coined by some of our famous “rappers” cough cough 🤢


Aug 26, 2024
Please don't paint all of the members with your brush. I wouldn't know "bling-bling" if it bit me in the ass. But, I will admit to being an ass at times. Nothing to do with jewelry though, it's the way I'm wired.

I was speaking of the human race mate. I never mentioned any members of this forum by name. I was speaking in “general terms”. I’m really not sure why you felt the need to attack me when I was speaking in general terms, NOT related to anyone of anything on these forums. Therefore please apply a think before you judge for that attitude of yours. Thanks for picking up on me. I feel really welcome.

I understand that words on the internet can be misinterpreted but please do give the benefit of the doubt to whatever is written. Perhaps English as a second language can be taken into account and I do admit English is my second language but no need to jump at a persons throat because I swear I never meant members of this forum I was speaking about the human race as a whole and never even thought of a single member on these forums.

If there’s one thing I learned in crisis management is that if you think a word or two offends you, instead of acting up on impulse I suggest smoking a pipe and think it over before making a jackass of yourself.
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Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Then say "people in general." You said, "everyone of us." Pretty specific that "us." I can only determine what you meant by what you wrote. "Us" denotes the folks you are writing to, the members of the forum.

Sorry if I offended you. I simply hoped you might give more thought to word choices, improving getting your intent across.

But, you've fixed that and I sincerely hope your angst level is lowered by putting me into "ignore." I know for a fact you're not the only one here that has done that.
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Aug 26, 2024
Then say "people in general." You said, "everyone of us." Pretty specific that "us." I can only determine what you meant by what you wrote. "Us" denotes the folks you are writing to, the members of the forum.

Sorry if I offended you. I simply hoped you might give more thought to word choices, improving getting your intent across.

But, you've fixed that and I sincerely hope your angst level is lowered by putting me into "ignore." I know for a fact you're not the only one here that has done that.

No offense meant. Friends?

Us = humankind!!! Never meant members of this bloody forum.

I think this thread needs to be locked by a moderator before things get out of hand. I’ve said my piece, I explained myself.

If you stfu, this thread can stay open.


Yes, enough. Do not insult others, and do not post banning- or rather "Ignore" - notices is not allowed. One warning point awarded.
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Jan 31, 2011
In Unforgiven, little Bill Daggett says "I'm building a porch here so I can sit of an evening and smoke my pipe, drink coffee and watch the sunset." You never actually see him smoking a pipe, though, so I don't know if it counts.

In Big Whiskey, if Little Bill said it, it counts.
