One of my top 10 American makers is this wonderfully craggy pipe by Michael Butera, keeping it smokey with some Dunhill Dark Flake, what makers are in your top 10 American makers?
I am completing a 7 day set of American carved pipes. I'm at 6 total now. It's been a wonderful little rabbit hole to explore. Most of my collection includes typical known carvers.
But I will say that I am very impressed with Bill Shalosky's work. He was kind of under the radar for me.
My go-to carver in Colfax, N.C., sells only at the TAPS pipe show and the state fair, not online nor through retailers, so he's not a pipe-club name, but he works in briar, Mountain Laurel, and sometimes maple and Cocobolo, so I'll throw his name in the ring -- Jerry Perry. My other fav is the late N.C. award-winning carver Bob Hayes.
I guess I have to get on the ball.
I only own one artisan pipe, which does happen to be an American (I think)
A Todd Harris Panel Lovat Morta. Does a fine job with burley flakes.
Unless you count the Rad Davis Dublin that Harris is hanging onto for me... :nana: