I was looking for a specific tin this morning, and came across a tin of Dunhill De Luxe Navy Rolls from 2017. It seemed to rattle a tad more than I thought it should. I grabbed a Peterson tin dated 2020, and it had significantly less shake to it. I twisted with all I’m worth on the Dunhill lid, and it didn’t budge, so the seal seems intact
So, is this a nothing burger? Do tins develop a bit more shake and rattle as they age? Are the Peterson tins packed tighter than the Dunhill tins? Or is it time to open the Dunhill tin to see what I got?
So, is this a nothing burger? Do tins develop a bit more shake and rattle as they age? Are the Peterson tins packed tighter than the Dunhill tins? Or is it time to open the Dunhill tin to see what I got?