My dad chain smoked pipes (cigars for a while then pipes again) from the age of about 12 to 65 when
he quit cold (my mom didn't notice for weeks, he had to tell her). Interesting thing was, he bought only
low/mid-level pipes, used only one at a time and didn't rest them. The only extras he had were one or
two that he'd basically burnt up that he kept as standbys to smoke until he bought a new one if his current
pipe burnt up. He would be horrified to know that I have dozens of pipes. He was a depression kid, and
when we went on vacation, he'd come out to the car with a really small duffle with all his stuff for a week or
two. He just disassociated from material things. His personal effects were like a box or two. This was a
guy who had a heavy career on LaSalle Street (Chicago's Wall Street) and a second career running a computer
lab after retirement. I guess that's why, despite my "too many" pipes, I can't get with the $200 plus line-up.
Oh, and all he ever smoked was Granger -- then, now and forever. I now use his ten-pipe rack with amber
tobacco bowl in the middle, inherited from his dad, who actually had eight or ten pipes (wish I had them now).