Tongue Coated With Nicotine?

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Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
OMG! I just looked at my tongue in the mirror for s&g and also because I've been experiencing some tongue burn that I wasn't sure if it was from hot food or drink or pipe smoking.

It was pretty covered in brown stain! I've taken a tooth brush and stuff to it and it's much cleaner, but that seems to have been the source of my hot tongue, or at least contributed to it.

I've checked my tongue lots of times and never found it to be coated?

Anyone else got 2 cents? Sarcasm and tomfoolery are acceptable replies.



Jun 4, 2014
United States
Jokes about whose what you been kissing come under tom foolery?
And more seriously, are you per chance drinking coffee when you're smoking?



Do you follow a regular oral hygiene practice. I don't think your stain is nicotine but rather the tars from the process of combusting tobacco.
I know a fellow who swears he brushes his teeth and gums yet his teeth are terribly stained and his gums are dark brown, not a bit of pink can be seen. His dentist told him it would cost 500.00 to clean his entire mouth and last well over 3 sessions in the chair.
To get to this state there is obvious variability such as other foods/drinks consumed. The chemical circumstances of his mouth when he smokes and tissue resilience determined by genetics as well as the type of tobacco smoked and temperature of the smoke when it comes in contact with either hard or soft matter.



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
cosmicfolklore, it was just that after reading brown stain and hot tongue int he same paragraph, I figured I'd opened some awfully wide doors and might as well admit it.
I haven't had another bowl since brushing the crud off my tongue. I do use a water pik about 6x a day...and I take my plate out at night. I dunno. This must have been some sort of perfect storm. I only drink about 3 cups of coffee in the morning and switch to herbal tea. Nothing I ate seems likely, except maybe the chocolate gelato?

I only had 1/2 cup, I swear!
I'm still resting my tongue from smoking after cleaning it off with baking soda and peroxide and toothpsste.

it's starting to feel better. This is a first and it snuck up on me.



Jan 27, 2013
Tuold, I think you hit the jackpot! I like the stuff a lot but it really has a stain. I leaves a heavier residue on carbon filters, which I use on aromatics. It stains them worse than anything I have smoked. Coffee stains my teeth worse than tobacco ever has.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
+1 tuold, I used to smoke Molto Dolce and eat Werthers caramels with a cup of coffee on our family movie nights. Then, I looked at my tongue in the mirror and freaked. I googled brown tongue and thought that I had some weird disease. My tongue looked horrible. I stopped smoking Molto Dolce, problem solved, ha ha.
Now I just have a cat tongue from smoking so much, but my girlfriend doesn't complain about that :wink:
Newbroom, you may just be hotter than you thought. Have you considered that you may have scorched it? ha ha!



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
I've improved enough to finish a bowl I'd started earlier...but, this may be a lesson (not sure which) learned.

If I were having some sort of gawdanged allergic reaction to smoking a pipe, I'd ....get a dog?

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
That's odd, I've had a tin of Molto Dolce before and it never stained my teeth or tongue. I'm working through my second tin now and it's still not doing it. Maybe it's one of those body chemistry things that I've been fortunate enough to elude.



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
Well said, Warren. I miss having a dog more than ....well...I miss having a dog.

I live in a condo and the weight limit in the Association's bylaws would keep me in the yapper catagory.

But, now that I think of it...I do like a Jack Russel. I could get away with that, and still have a dog.

Mar 1, 2014
My tongue has been turning up a yellow-green.
But I recently switched to a light green toothpaste, don't know what they were thinking.

Funny thing is I first looked after a bowl of Sutliff Mountain Pass and it scared the pants off me.



Dec 14, 2013
Do the same check after a bowl of Molto Dolce. Scary.
Anyone who can smoke, much less tolerate that gunky syrupy concoction which smells like Play-Doh deserves to have a brown tongue! :lol:



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Ha ha Phil! I only smoke it for the ladies.

But, my teeth do get stained. My dentist is always blaming the pipe. Not, in a terrible way, just enough to make me defensive. I'm sure the acidity of the constant Virginias and VaPers doesn't help, but I mostly blame the coffee. The older I get the harder it is to get them completely white. At least I still have them, most of them, ha ha!!



Jan 27, 2013
When I gave up smoking for a number of years, coffee and tea stained my teeth anyway, and I do not see giving up either of them or smoking my pipe.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
Maybe you should think about not sticking your tongue up your dogs ass for a while. :nana:
I brush my teeth a few times a day and use a waterpik as well as flossing. I also use Biotene at least 3 times a day to keep dry mouth at bay and too soothe my tongue after smoking all day long.



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
Yes, I also brush and water pik several times a day. Never heard of Biotene. I'll check that out. I wonder if one of the tobaccos I've been smoking recently might have contributed to this negative phenomenon.

Does Perique maybe do that if there's lots of it in a blend, perhaps?
cigrmaster, I knew that I'd get some sort of blowback, and asked for it, but jeeze. :|

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