Quint, from the Cancer Research UK website...
Laetrile is promoted as an alternative cancer treatment but there is no evidence that it works. Laetrile is a partly man made (synthetic) form of the natural substance amygdalin. Amygdalin is a plant substance found in raw nuts and the pips of many fruits, particularly apricot pips or kernels. It is also found in plants like lima beans, clover and sorghum.
Laetrile can cause serious side effects in some people so we also do not recommend that you use laetrile alongside your cancer treatment.
There is no evidence that laetrile can help with cancer, but some people use it because they believe it might:
#improve their health, energy levels and wellbeing
#detoxify and cleanse the body
#help them to live longer
Laetrile contains cyanide, which is a type of poison. So the side effects of laetrile are the same as those of cyanide.
Jay, I respectfully disagree. I don't want to hijack this thread, but their statement is 100% false. Yes, Amygdalin contains cyanide. But the cyanide compound is locked in and only released when it comes in contact with cancer cells. This was proven long ago in many laboratory tests. There are tens of thousands of people around the world every day taking apricot seeds to help prevent cancer, and they are not getting cyanide poisoning or other ill effects.
Laetrile/Amygdalin/B17 isn't some Youtube 'home remedy' cancer treatment. It was proven one of the most effective (and affordable) cancer treatments ever over 40 years ago through documented clinical research, tests, and cancer patient treatments (before it was outlawed). Ever since then, the mainstream cancer treatment industry has been trying to discredit these facts because they are trying to protect their profits. As you know, cancer treatment is big business. Very big. If they ever admitted that people could greatly reduce their chance of getting most cancers by simply eating 8-10 raw apricot seeds a day, or stage 4 cancer patients receiving Laetrile (concentrated Amygdalin in liquid form) through IV would have a very high probability of full recovery, it would result in hundreds of thousands of lost jobs and wipe out billions of dollars in profits. Why do you think doctors in the US will lose their license to practice if they recommend apricot seeds or try to treat cancer patients with Laetrile? Not because it doesn't work. It's because it was never approved by the FDA for the very reason of protecting the mainstream cancer treatment industry.
Please watch this video. It's very enlightening.
I also recommend two books:
1. Laetrile Case Histories; The Richardson Cancer Clinic Experience
2. World Without Cancer; The Story of Vitamin B17
Both are still in print and are available on Amazon.
Anyway, this isn't a medical website, and I don't want to hijack this thread.
Keep on smokin'. :
