Tongue Cancer

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Jul 12, 2017
Hi guys, I am worried that by smoking pipe we will get tongue cancer. I am just overthinking that I would have it cause I am having ulcer on my tongue.



Can't Leave
Nov 28, 2016
A whole lot of questions to ask before I'd jump immediately to cancer brutha.
How long ya been smokin a pipe?
Whattrya smokin?
How often are you smokin?
How r ya smokin?
R ya freight trainin? (smokin too hard and fast)
How many bowls r ya smokin a day?
How's your health?
Have you had problems with canker sores in the past? If so, it's a tummy problem, not a pipe problem.
If this all started after starting pipe smoking, assuming you're new to the activity, then I'd recommend layin the pipe down for several days and lettin the tongue heal up.
Just my $0.02

May 4, 2015
Any physician would advise against smoking with open wounds in your mouth.
Your chances of developing cancer are higher smoking a pipe than if you don't.



Feb 13, 2015
Nope. Not a veterinarian, neither, but I can tell a horse's ass when I see one. So, I feel qualified! :rofl:



Aug 20, 2013
Pipe smoking is a practice superior to all other forms. We don't inhale and thereby postpone the onset of COPD. So were can smoke longer than a cigarette smoker.
Makes sense, right?


J. Mayo

Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 18, 2012
As a long time, 2nd generation Copenhagen user I've always worried about mouth cancer. But dear old dad is in excellent shape for 70 years of age, and for the last 55 years, if the man was awake he has had a wad of Copenhagen in his lip. He visits the same Dr every year for a regular physical and started encouraging me to join several years back. One piece of information that always stuck with me from the visits: your chances of developing ANY kind of cancer are drastically higher or lower based on your family history of cancer, regardless of tobacco use. Just a little interesting tidbit I don't hear repeated much, but that my doctor swears by. I'm fortunate to not have had a single relative on either side of my bloodline every be diagnosed with any form of cancer. You however may have a different family medical history, I'd give the pipe a rest and potentially see a doctor if it doesn't heal up on its own.

May 4, 2015
We're all doomed in one way or another. If tobacco gets me, so be it. I love every second of it, and I think on the whole it's a worthwhile endeavor.
If the life insurance actuary people put more emphasis on current tobacco use over family history, I'm inclined to side with them. They've done the math. Genetics is a big factor. What you do with it is a bigger one.

Jul 28, 2016
My daddy suffered at throath cancer, but hes was a heavy cigarette smoker during all his years smoked 2 packages unfiltered cigarettes per day and the liked using alcohols ,all these starting from his teenage years(he was a sailor )based on this now I better off stop smoking a pipe and stop any form of tobacco use,so far I won't do that, cause I think the moderation in any form of tobacco use is the way to follow,and then when I take a look at the history I'm observing back in the days one of five movie actors died at some form of smoking related cancer,for inctance Duke' John Wayne and G Robinson, R, Mitchum?

Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
It could be as simple as a canker sore, or you scorched your tongue from smoking your pipe to hot, or it could be something else. First you should never smoke a pipe with an open sore in your mouth, and two if it doesn't go away in a couple days then you can always visit your primary care physician and have him look at it.
I visit my dentist at least twice a year, and get a physical from my primary care doctor every year (for about 4 years now). Make sure you're honest with your doctor and dentist when it comes to discussing your tobacco use, so they'll know to keep an eye out for any future abnormalities that may pop up etc.



Part of the Furniture Now
May 13, 2017
Don't over worry. If Cancer is going to strike you it will.

We all make informed decisions every day, driving is not free from risks.

Use a medicated mouthwash like Cortisol and leave the worry for the time you have serious troubles!



Jun 30, 2013
Note that the actuary is considering all causes of death for the smokers, not just cancer. Also, family history is taken into account individually by the underwriter.
Smoking is just unhealthy.
However, we as adults have to weigh the risk/reward. For some, it is a huge reward.



Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
"Use a medicated mouthwash like Cortisol."
George, cortisol is a steroid hormone not a mouthwash :roll:
Only in the last couple of months have I taken to brushing my tongue when I do my teeth just afore bed. It was due to something I read on here but I cannot recall the thread.



Aug 20, 2013
None of us want to give up smoking though we are afraid of its consequences. Some bristle being called addicts, but undoubtedly tobacco is physically addicting, and we ingest those properties quite regularly. My opinion is that it is just as psychically addicting, perhaps more. One post says we're all doomed in one way or another, so why not court doom by smoking. If true such dalliance cannot override the biological imperative to survive as long as possible and supposes a choice of our doom by pipesmoking; a rational choice to die by that addiction sooner rather than later, should that destiny be. But in my opinion we continue to smoke through hope rooted in denial that some horrible death by cancer, etc., won't happen to us or that we will pass painlessly by a blessed MI.
Denial is the big stick of defenses, so powerful that we have no awareness of what was just vaporized out of consciousness, so powerful that most deny they deny.
I couldn't prove any of this; this is true for me but perhaps not you.

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