Tongue Bite

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Feb 6, 2013
Without hijacking this thread thoroughly...
I had my first Carter Hall experience two Saturdays ago with brdavidson and thoroughly enjoyed my smoke; with no burn nor bite to speak of. I love good quality English blends, and am VERY happy with Oriental heavy mixes. That being said, I know I'm in trouble if I pack poorly and am done for if I smoke too fast.
-- Pat



Nov 26, 2011
Nova Scotia, Canada
Ok, time for me to make a rant. Many of you can ignore my latter post if you like, I don't care. This is the reason I post so seldom lately. The fact of the matter is,OTC's are not the contributing factor here. I get so sick and tired of the VERY FEW people who say, "Your smoking cheap crappy baccy or your smoking cheap crappy pipes. My advice, don't give advice to people based on snobbish ideals. CH, PA, just 2 examples that DO NOT contribute to tounge bite. In your mind, do you really think the "Older generation" lived their entire life with a sore tounge, I think not.

Now I don't mind if you want to trash the Codger Blends because of lack of flavour etc. Up to you completely, but don't be telling Newbies that that is the reason they are suffering.



Jul 24, 2013
You're right, I did commit a violation in using "Google" as a verb. When a certain expression falls into very common use (like "gay," which has nothing today to do with sexual orientation, but does because of popular use over years), then I yield, reluctantly, to popular use. By the way, I didn't mean to start such a tempest!

Aug 1, 2012
Well put fisher. Your posts, and Bradley's, are the reason I tried codger burlies and Walnut in the first place and I'm grateful every time I smoke a big bowl of those mild, cool tobaccos (CH, Walnut, PA, 5 Bros. and SWR).



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 4, 2012
Not your fault, sparrowhawk, we've had entire threads devoted to spurring or attempting to settle this "OTC" argument. Probably will again.

My next-to-worthless $0.02: 1. No, there's nothing wrong with OTCs if that's what you like. I don't, but I don't like quality aromatics or burleys, for example, any more or less. 2. ANY aromatic, be it an OTC or boutique crafted blend, does have the sugars and sweeteners that bigvan mentioned, which can be (but aren't always) the cause of tongue bite.

I'm done, the wiser and more experienced can have there well-earned say.



Jun 26, 2012
I get tongue bite when I smoke cheaper aromatic tobaccos... Im sure that everyones pallet is a bit different and more sensitive to different things. I am a big latakia fan and a big fan of english's and I have zero tongue bite when I smoke these types of blends...



Might Stick Around
Aug 16, 2011
Although I've "branched out" to english an orientals, occationally. I loooove my 1Q and Bald Headed Teacher.

I'm a simple man with simple tastes. :puffy:



Jan 14, 2012
Southwest Louisiana
Sparrow hawk I would be remiss if I let you think you had done wrong, you just asked questions and when we can"t tolerate questions then we are going down the wrong path, ask away young man and don"t feel bad.



Jul 24, 2013
Well, for what it's worth, tomorrow I'm getting a shipment of a Dracula Peterson's with a tin of Mollo Dolce. Can't go wrong with either decision, can I? The Dolce has been highly rated 5 stars every review I've read. Also tomorrow I'm going to call Pipeworks, where I understand you can get a great deal of four different blends without S/H. AND Tuesday I'm getting a DUNHILL, vintage 1962. Along with that, I'm getting some accessories like a Brigham pipe tool, some cleaning fluid, and Obsidian Oil. All of this will occupy a Coca Cola tray, the narrow kind, that will rest on my desk beneath the window sill. All that is missing is a proper ashtray, which I should also get sometime this week to replace the insipid Sea World ashtray that I currently use. The ashtray is Celtic themed, that culture of which I have a special fondness. I don't have a reamer yet, SmokingPipes being currently out of stock of the latter tool, but one which I won't need presently. Captain Black just won't cut it anymore.



Mar 22, 2011
Gentleman, reread my initial answer... I said nothing about OTCs as a whole. I warned about "cheap aromatics" (like Captain Black) which have an overabundance of sugars and sweeteners. And as we remember from high school chemistry class, sugar burns HOT.
Some of you, possessing a higher skill level, may be able to tame a sugary blend. Sparrowhawk may not, which is why I seconded the suggestion that he slow down and go for a less sugary blend.
It was then that Roth came to the defense of OTCs, which were not under fire.
It seems that this has become a tempest in a teapot.



Can't Leave
May 31, 2013
I still get tongue bite from certain aromatics. No matter how I smoke them, they still bite. I have convinced myself that there is something in the topping that my body doesn't like.



Feb 13, 2013
Winnipeg, Canada
I think PG probably causes it as it never really dries out. OTC's are obviously the most popular tobacco's as you can buy them in drugstores, supermarkets, etc.... If you like it it's a free country, but I think the only reason it's so popular is because of availability.



Nov 20, 2012

I have convinced myself that there is something in the topping that my body doesn't like.
I think you have hit on something. We all have different body chemistrys(sic). What will bite some, others enjoy.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 27, 2013
Hi Sparrowhawk - I am a fellow newcomer, having smoked a pipe for only a few years now. Some of the fellas here gave some good advice about drying tobacco a bit to reduce some bite. This has really helped me out. Also, lately I have found I have to be very careful on relights. Whether it is burn or bite (can't be certain) It is unpleasant if I get careless. Very careful relights, just teasing the top of the tobacco, and not drawing too long, has been very helpful. Also, using the poker on your pipe tool to gently stir the top of the tobacco and dump your ashes before a relight may help reduce the temptation to draw harder to draw your flame through the layer of top ash. Just a few ideas I have learned on the forum. I'm sorry if I am repeating anything, but I skipped through when the thread moved to the aro/OTC issues.
Best of luck to you.




Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 27, 2013
Oh, and let me know your thoughts on the Molto Dolce if you don't mind. Sutliff says it is my perfect tobacco, and I plan to order some soon. +1 on the fondness for Celtic culture as well.
Best to you.




May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
When I dabbled in Boswell aromatics last summer, I enjoyed the flavors but the PG in them caused me severe dry mouth that even Biotene couldn't tame. If I smoke a blend with a high content of red virginia, it feels like I am dipping my tongue in acid. Everyone's chemistry is different so each individual needs to find what works for them. Now assuming that your techniques are all good i.e packing, drying, slow smoking, this is when you can really figure it all out. Without proper technique it is hard to know what may be causing the tongue problems, could be the tobacco or it could not be.
In regards to certain OTC's like Captain Black which have up to a total weight of 35% casings and PG, it takes a certain amount of technique to smoke those with no bite. As mentioned above, the sugar content is quite high, so until your technique is good, I would recommend something like Carter Hall which has much less sugar and is a more forgiving blend.



Jul 26, 2013
I will second what Billp said. I'm only a month in but I've found that if I puff too hard on a relight, that's when I get smacked with tongue bite (too hot, too aggressive) more than any other time. Tapping out the ash before relighting makes it easier for me to relight, and I don't have to puff hard or long to get a good smolder going again. My tongue bite has gone down exponentially since I refined my relight technique.

Aug 14, 2012
If your tongue bites you, bite it back. Bradley: What year did Ford win Le Mans and what kind of Ford?



Jul 24, 2013

My apologies for not writing sooner; I lost track of the postings I made. Yes, the Molto Dolce, recommended by their system, turned out to be a very good tobacco with an unbeatable aroma (room note, I guess it's called). I just received an order in the mail for another four tins. I'm also waiting for a selection from Carol at Pipeworks this Monday.

The ashtray arrived as well; glad to find someone else who appreciates Celtic art; I'm now looking into a set of Celtic coasters, two for my desk (one to use for coffee, another for cold water or other cold drinks like Coke). Now I just need a pipe holder for whatever pipe is being used at a given time: I saw a flashing ad on the title page of this website advertising a rough, unfinished oak holder, but the ad vanished and was replaced by another before I could move my mouse. If anyone knows what holder I'm talking about, please don't hesitate to PM me. Once I get that holder and the coasters, my desk setup for pipes will be complete.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 16, 2013
If a tobacco bites, I toss it. I don't want to smoke anything that I have to concentrate on puffing this way or that way to get not to bite. That's just a load of crap to me. I just want to smoke and enjoy! Otherwise, it's just too much dang trouble. Tried to get through a 100 gram tin of Virginia #1 by MacBaren one time. Horrible, disgusting, terrible tobacco from hell. Tossed it, and use the tin now as an ashtray.
Actually, many people really like this tobacco. Shows how we all have different tastes.

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