I just wanted to pass this along to the crew. I would imagine all of us have experienced tongue bite at some point. And possibly a sore back of the throat too. Recently I tried a remedy that I want to pass along. HONEY. Put a teaspoon or tablespoon (doesn't matter) in a spoon flip it over and let it melt on your tongue and then slide down your throat. Almost instantly the irritation is eased. Do it a couple of times a day for a few days and you'll be amazed at how fast your "minor burn" heals and how much it eases irritation right away.
I know the honey and lemon or whiskey has been an age old remedy for sore throats. My Dr pointed me to honey when I was recovering from surgery and had an incision that would not heal. (I wasn't smoking at the time). I put it directly on the wound or on the gauze and it definitely aided healing.
I know the honey and lemon or whiskey has been an age old remedy for sore throats. My Dr pointed me to honey when I was recovering from surgery and had an incision that would not heal. (I wasn't smoking at the time). I put it directly on the wound or on the gauze and it definitely aided healing.