Not sure what "basics" we are talking about here or what is wrong with a desktop? These hand-held mobile battery-operated devices most of you are using (tablets, smartphones, etc.) are probably fine for what most people really do--- surfing the web, reading email, but they are piss-poor computers and that is not really /computing./
I do real computing using a MacPro computer set up as a RAID-5 array and run multiple operating systems via a virtual PC so I can use more kinds of apps.
It's ironic that Windows OS actually run better in Parallels on a Mac than it does in an actual PC! I don't know how you guys put up with 3-inch displays and keyboards so small that you need a pencil to hit the keys. 2560 X 1440 resolution is real nice as is using a real keyboard, not even those cramped pissy things they put on laptops.
As to predictive spellers, I turn them off. Too easy for it to predict the wrong word. I just run spellcheck because on my monitor, reading pages like this is hard to see as the letters are only 1/16 inch tall (a little over 1mm).