Here ya go . Prime Minister Thatcher said, "...and Socialist governments traditionally do make a financial mess. They [socialists] always run out of other people's money. It's quite a characteristic of them."
What's going on in the European Union?
A lot of this has been covered in some of Kevin's prior articles, but is worth repeating...they will probabley ban aromatic pipe tobacco very soon because the FDA is now in charge of tobacco. The FDA a year or two ago tried its hardest to ban e-cigs mostly because "they came in fruity flavors appealing to children." They have the same concern with tobacco products as well. Currently cigarettes can only be regular and menthol, I predict the same to happen to pipes and cigars as well, probabley within the next 5 years.
It says they want to make all tobacco packages a generic looking black and white so as to make them unappealing to children and teens.
This is the sort of thing that really pisses me off. The FDA or anyone else is not interested in anyone's kids or they'd tone down all the alcohol commercials highly lauding what joy there is in it on TV and magazines. Music, girls, partying-that's what's depicted on TV with everyone having a Bud Lite or Barcardi in their hand yet these impious do gooders won't allow one billboard, one add in a magazine and God forbid a commercial on TV about cigarettes...what hypocrisy!! If they wanted to make Alcohol less attractive to kids they'd for sure stop all the commercials on TV but, nothing is said about that of course.Alcohol has it's health issues and addicts yet it is not under the attack tobacco is.