Try Peter Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake:So Ive smoked cigarettes and cigars since I was 15 I'm a few days a way from 40. When I first smoked a pipe I bought black cavendish and it tasted like nothing I have ever had. So I went crazy and tried a ton of aromatics mostly with black cavendish. Then I tried English which is now my favorite particularly Latakia. Again it's like nothing Ive ever had. Next week I'm going to get something new but Ive notice very similar flavors with all the aros and Latakia blends or English. Like Match Revelation, Match Barking Dog, Early Morning, Nightcap, all are great but similar.
Any suggestions for something new thats nothing like any of those things? Side note cost isn't an issue, and I don't care about nicotine lvl either way high or low.
Peter Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake - Pipes and Cigars
Peter Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake is a modern classic. Layers of choice Virginias, selected for their natural sweetness are combined with a moderate amount of Perique and pressed into blocks and then sliced. A touch of rum is added to complete the "navy flake" profile - smooth, lightly sweet and...
I have six pounds aging and I’m smoking on two more.
PS Luxury Navy Flake is a flake Va Per, probably the most widely sold.