Aromatic: Cube Silver
Overpowering sweetness in the aroma, but delicious to the taste buds. As part of the new generation of Mac Baren aros, there is absolutely no bite. Low nicotine content.
Burley: Golden Extra
Very pleasant and smooth. Also by Mac Baren, this is a brown broken flake with a honey and prune topping that does not cover the natural nutty taste of the Burley. Low nicotine content. I'm also a big fan of University Flake by Peterson. The nic is definitely present in this one but the subtle blueberry flavor makes it all worth it.
English: Early Morning Pipe
This offering by Dunhill offers moderate nicotine with the subtlest of English flavor. Smooth, easy to smoke but a little boring for the true Lat smokers. Another good alternative for a softer English style tobacco blend is McClelland'a Frog Morton on the Bayou. The ketchuppy flavor might be a bit overpowering at first, but it develops into the creamiest blend I've ever tried.
Va/Per/Bur: Irish Oak
All though too much Virginia taste for me, this offering by Peterson is without a doubt the smoothest blend I have ever tried. Decent nic content if that is important to you.
Best of all is you're going to be experiencing a host of tasty treats no matter which of these recommendations you choose.