Definitely get a selection of blend types. If you start with just Carter Hall or another OTC you may never want to pick up a pipe again. Or you might never want to smoke anything else, who knows.
So buy in bulk 1oz each of a Latakia blend, a straight Virginia, an aromatic flavor you like (vanilla is easy), and a burley blend. If you're on a budget, click on the P&C promo that often appears on this page, advertising Lane bulk blends for $1.25 per oz. You could get HGL, BCA (or Dark Red, which is basically BCA with cherry), Burley Without Bite, and one of the various vanilla or cherry blends they have. The only straight VA is an aro, though (MV-1000). Four blends will set you back all of $5, and there are usually free shipping codes if you search or ask here.