If you buy tinned tobacco, unopened tins can sit anywhere. I have a 32 qt Coleman cooler in my basement that is my "long term" storage - things that I am deliberately aging, plus some larger unopened tins. I have a couple of plastic storage boxes for things that I haven't opened, and am not aging. The current rotation sits on a shelf, next to my pipe racks.
Bulk tobaccos, unless you are smoking them in very short order, should be stored in mason or ball jars. Likewise, when you open a tin, unless you are going to smoke it fairly quickly, put the contents in a jar. I prefer wide mouth jars myself - easier to get in and out of - and I never use jars that have previously held food - pickle jars or whatever. Some guys do; I prefer not to.
You really don't want to humidify them in a cigar humidifier - the storage requirements are quite different as to humidity required. Cigars require a significantly higher humidity than pipe tobacco.