Pegasus. I've cellared a jar of that somewhere. I think I'll have some of that for my 2cd bowl of the day. Thanks for the idea!As mentioned, Cornell & Diehl Pegasus is a good starter blend.
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Hi all
I am looking to find some smooth tobacco. I am a beginner on the pipe and have bought a few gold and mixed samplers. Would like to have a couple of recommend tobaccos, generally loose sold so that I can buy small packs to try out
Thank you
Hi thanks for the heads up, I'm in the UK and there is a tobacco shop not so far away. I have been using them for years but usually have my goods delivered these days because it works out cheaper. The brand I smoke is gawith hogarth, I buy the same brand rolling tobacco, but I am working my way through the list of pipe tabacco. I have got some flavoured shags in the basket which I think will be OK but I would like to to try other brands because I don't want to be missing out on something goodAnything with a high Latakia content! Just kidding. Do you know if there's a local brick and mortar tobacco shop near you? Most of them that I've dealt with have been really nice; they have a vested interest in helping you find the right tobacco so you'll enjoy the experience and come back for more. Where are you located? Some tobaccos are easier to get in different parts of the world. I started out with an over the counter aromatic because it smelled really nice in the pouch and ended up with a cherry bomb that gave me tongue bite and wet goopy smokes. I almost gave up. I was leery of English blends because I thought they'd be too strong, but now that's almost all I smoke. Get a quality (that doesn't mean expensive) tobacco and work on your technique. Read threads on here about packing the bowl / chamber, lighting and cadence. Watch some YouTube channels like Matches860. His content was excellent and by watching him you get a great example of smoking cadence; relaxed. When you can get through a pipe successfully then start venturing out. I personally would recommend Peter Stokkebye's Proper English. I think it tastes great, it smokes cool and stays lit well. It also won't break your bank and is readily available.
Are there any pipe shops near you? Sometimes they have sample jars or tins where you can fill up a bowl & try it.
Regarding blends, Prince Albert & Carter Hall are solid blebds to try. liked them early on, & still enjoy them.
found a cabbies mixture by samuel gawith on a supplier I use, would this be the right stuff?Cabbie's Mixture is the smoothest tobacco I've ever's kinda rare though.
That's the to the "American" blends, maybe they just mean an aromatic that's not a lakeland? I'm not sure. You can look them up on tobaccoreviewsfound a cabbies mixture by samuel gawith on a supplier I use, would this be the right stuff?