Hoosier, I'm going to go through your suggestions now and see what I can over here.
I'll let you know how it goes ???
I'll let you know how it goes ???
Have gone with ODF. Thought bold may be a tad on the strong side. I can always work up to it. Thanks thou ??Bold Kentucky is reported to be a stronger nic hit than Old Dark Fired. I believe it has more Dark Fired Kentucky in it then ODF, but there is a good balance of virginias and dark-fired leaf in ODF. You can't go wrong with either one. If nicotine is an issue go with ODF. It's medium strength for most people
Try the rope tobacco. Gawith and Hogarth makes some good ones,but they're somewhat strong.If you go this route, try first blending them in with what you already smoke.Morning everyone, just put another order in and realise it's just english and Va/Pers. I know I'm only a few months in to pipe smoking but that's pretty much all that's in my rack.
When I started, I started with aromatics, then english and Va/Pers. I did the sample packs from different on line shops, that's how I knew I liked english blends. I have royal yacht but that's the only virginia I have and I'm not sure if it's sprayed with a flavour or not, it isn't one of my favourites, I don't mind it but I don't think I'll order another one, at least not yet. I've ordered a Peterson nutty cut as well. Not a aro fan really but I like to get one with a 6 tin order, just to put some variety in my order.
What should I move on to or try next?
I'd like to broaden my horizon a bit more.
Any advice welcome, thou it is better if there readily available in the UK ??
Boswellpipes.com maybe they ship overseas?? I love Northwoods. Not tried Countryside yet.... is that an English Aro or just an English.Literally can't find any of these over here, that sucks ?
I haven't no but I will do now, thank you.Hi @brut666
Off of what you mentioned, have you tried John Aylesbury Black?
This is suppose to be one of the best, if not the best of an English/Aromatic combination.
From all the reviews online and here on the forum, it seems to have great praise, so I ordered a tin, when The Story Teller’s Pipe had them.
My tin just arrived, so I have not tried this yet, but I will let you know, in the meantime, hopefully others will share on this too.
Boswell’s has a few in stock.
Sillem's: Black 100g Pipe Tobacco
John Aylesbury Black 100g Tin. Extravagant! Is the right word to characterize this mixture. Order this Tobacco online today!boswellpipes.com
Smokingpipes.eu doesn't sell tobacco unfortunately.I would try MacBarens HH line of blends. You may have luck getting them through Smokingpipes.eu
I shall look and add to the next order, thou I think that be a little advanced for me just yet but hey, in for a penny, in for a poundTry the rope tobacco. Gawith and Hogarth makes some good ones,but they're somewhat strong.If you go this route, try first blending them in with what you already smoke.
Let me know your take on Crooner and I’ll do the same. I have an ounce on the way with my Smokin Pipes Order. My curiosity has gotten the better of me. -JimMy recent journey is the deertounge blends. So far I only know about the C&D ones but hope there are others I have not discovered yet.
Not sure if you can get CD blends in the UK? Anyways deertounge is a little different if you haven't tried it. Crooner, Gentleman Caller, Engine 382 and I think New Market. I think there is a blend or two at 4noggins that I haven't tried: Mojo and Imagine( I think).
Best on your journey!
I have only had a couple bowls so far. I like it but think I like GC a bit better. So far it seems like the deertounge is a little less present in Crooner. I am smoking these in a dedicated pipe and want to try a few more bowls before I try 382.Let me know your take on Crooner and I’ll do the same. I have an ounce on the way with my Smokin Pipes Order. My curiosity has gotten the better of me. -Jim
For a straight VA I like Capstan Gold. It has a nice sweetness that I like vs the Blue. It's a good way to get started on straight VAs before diving into something like SG FVF.Morning everyone, just put another order in and realise it's just english and Va/Pers. I know I'm only a few months in to pipe smoking but that's pretty much all that's in my rack.
When I started, I started with aromatics, then english and Va/Pers. I did the sample packs from different on line shops, that's how I knew I liked english blends. I have royal yacht but that's the only virginia I have and I'm not sure if it's sprayed with a flavour or not, it isn't one of my favourites, I don't mind it but I don't think I'll order another one, at least not yet. I've ordered a Peterson nutty cut as well. Not a aro fan really but I like to get one with a 6 tin order, just to put some variety in my order.
What should I move on to or try next?
I'd like to broaden my horizon a bit more.
Any advice welcome, thou it is better if there readily available in the UK ??
I second Shanez - head over to cupojoes and buy a brick of semois Le Petite Robin or La VoluteMorning everyone, just put another order in and realise it's just english and Va/Pers. I know I'm only a few months in to pipe smoking but that's pretty much all that's in my rack.
When I started, I started with aromatics, then english and Va/Pers. I did the sample packs from different on line shops, that's how I knew I liked english blends. I have royal yacht but that's the only virginia I have and I'm not sure if it's sprayed with a flavour or not, it isn't one of my favourites, I don't mind it but I don't think I'll order another one, at least not yet. I've ordered a Peterson nutty cut as well. Not a aro fan really but I like to get one with a 6 tin order, just to put some variety in my order.
What should I move on to or try next?
I'd like to broaden my horizon a bit more.
Any advice welcome, thou it is better if there readily available in the UK ??