Before joining here, I frequented other sites to get info on yet untried blends. There were
three flavors of posts/reviews that repeatedly got my goat.
1. "I was stranded in (podunk, usa) without a tobacconist in sight, and had to lower my
standards with an OTC. Back home, I spilled it into my garden". (Thanks for sharing.)
2. "(mommy, mommy), that tobacco bit my tongue! Whaaaa, Whaaaa...."
(I dare you to tell that one at a biker bar.)
3. "I detected a slight hint of basil in the tin" (insert here as well apricots, peach melba,
stewed prunes, daffodils,etc
(Sorry, but I bought the stuff, and didn't get any of that! Pleeeeease, omit the platitudes and
name another brand it was similar to!)
No offence to anyone just honestly meaning to describe their experience. I did not see a lot of
those type statements here, so here I am. Just my opinion; I had to get that out. I feel much better, now. This is not said to divide the readership. I should be more mature/tolerant. This what what you get having an open enrollment.......
three flavors of posts/reviews that repeatedly got my goat.
1. "I was stranded in (podunk, usa) without a tobacconist in sight, and had to lower my
standards with an OTC. Back home, I spilled it into my garden". (Thanks for sharing.)
2. "(mommy, mommy), that tobacco bit my tongue! Whaaaa, Whaaaa...."
(I dare you to tell that one at a biker bar.)
3. "I detected a slight hint of basil in the tin" (insert here as well apricots, peach melba,
stewed prunes, daffodils,etc
(Sorry, but I bought the stuff, and didn't get any of that! Pleeeeease, omit the platitudes and
name another brand it was similar to!)
No offence to anyone just honestly meaning to describe their experience. I did not see a lot of
those type statements here, so here I am. Just my opinion; I had to get that out. I feel much better, now. This is not said to divide the readership. I should be more mature/tolerant. This what what you get having an open enrollment.......