For what else is the purpose of state-sponsored Tobacco Control but to bend citizens to the national will, or the global will, or the will of the World Health Organisation? Tobacco Control sets out to restrict and control and reform the people. They are to be made to stop smoking. The goal of Public Health is to reform the people, create a healthy new people. The political elites, who regard themselves as expressing the national will, have determined that the people need to stop smoking, stop drinking, eat less, exercise more, and so on. They have a blueprint for a New Man, and they are using the resources of the state to bully and bludgeon everyone to fit the blueprint.
Tobacco Control has complete contempt for ordinary people. Tobacco Control has no interest whatsoever in what ordinary people might think. Tobacco Control sees people as a herd of cattle to be goaded and scared and stampeded in the direction they desire. Tobacco Control always knows better.
And what better evidence of it is there than the nasty little messages they now scrawl on every single tobacco pack? They are messages from Tobacco Control to every single smoker who lights up a cigarette. And they’re all one-way messages. There’s no answering back.
And if governments everywhere consent to support and fund Tobacco Control, it can only be because governments everywhere also believe that the people exist to serve the government or the nation, and that the people need to be re-educated to better serve. For they would make much better servants if they lost some weight, did some exercise, and stopped smoking and drinking.