Just because you sport a beard doesn't mean you can't keep it clean. Mine isn't enormusly long, but it does cover up that I don't have a strong chin.
I'm also noticing one or two silvery strands in there. I just remove them. :lol:
I shave my head two to three times a week so it is easy to keep the face clean shaven. I do hate shaving in the morning so I shave in the shower at night. I grow a goatee from time to time and I did not shave for November/movember cancer awareness month this year. The wife hated it. So we struck a deal. I stay clean shaven and she keeps the Brazilian maintained. I must say guys. It is worth it. 8)
I've had a short goatee or a beard basically since I was about 20. I shave it off every once in a while to see what my face looks like without it, but always regret it. I'm with lordofthepiperings on the Movember thing. I took part for the first time last year and it was a hoot.
But to get back on topic: pipetrucker, it's a big decision, but remember it always grows back.
I had really long hair at one point in my life down around the middle of my back. One day I sat down looked at my brother and said shave it off it had been long for like 10 years he said are you effen crazy I said yep now shave it off I have had a buzz cut ever since if I was to shave it would just be a spontaneous crazy just do it moment.
after having to shave for so many years now i shave when i feel like it... when i am shaved up i still have a 'stache and chin hair..... think Col. Sanders.
I hate shaving only because I literally am in pain if I try to shave for the 2nd+ day in a row.
My neck hairs seem to grow every which way. So when I go over them the next day after shaving off a beard I look like I'm 15 with a horrible case of acne all over my neck. It lasts all day. It's not razor burn. I guess I just have a baby face.
I havn't found a solution to fix this yet... So I will have to avoid any career path that requires a clean shaven face. :crying:
Same with the better half in this house, hence no beard. Plus mine always came in kind of patchy anyways. No hair on top of the cranium either. But I was told that's hereditary ;-)
Pipetrucker: See... a couple of bowls, a good glass of something and decisions just seem to come easy. Congrats on keeping the beard.
I tend to keep some form of facial hair at all times. Had it on my upper lip since I was 17. Shaved it once and regretted it. Had a full beard that I kept trimmed until I got my current job and they have a no beard policy. Goatees are fine so I keep one. Wife likes the facial hair as long as its out long enough that it is soft. If it isn't she waits until it is.
I just semi shaved went from a a full beard that i had not shaved or trimed other than to even it up for 2 yrs to a goatee and trimed the goatee back to the bottom of my neck and i regret this choice. and as for the metro sexual thing thats not big around these parts unless your sport bike boy who cant ride a real bike.
I have no choice but to grow a goatee (what little of one I can grow). I'm going on thirty-five years of age. Without facial hair, I get carded for R-rated movies. I have ralphmachiocantageitis.
If you feel like shaving, just watch Whisker Wars, the new series on massive beard growth competition. You'll be right back in the mood to not shave ever again, LOL.
well I see I wasnt the only one that mowed his chin this weekend. had my barber shave it off it was the first time I ever had that done.I will get a pic up some time this week.I also kept my stash