I have had a few batches come out of the flu that just had no flavor. That was early on, when I wasn't sure when to remove the leaf from the flu. I had kept it set back to see if anything good happened to it, but I eventually tossed them. Some burleys when picked too early, never cured the green out of the leaf. And, I had a whole crop of Semois grown from seed from the source that molded, and fast.
If a crop was very tasty, I kept it as a single crop to smoke. And, some I blended with other leaf to find a balance in taste. So far, I've been very happy with what I've grown. Whether someone else will, depends on whether someone appreciates an uncased leaf or not. If someone's idea of the absolute best leaf is based on European Virginias and such, nah, they probably aren't going to like uncased blends like I do. But, I'd think that if someone grew a blend and then cased it heavily like the Europeans do, they'd be crazy. It would be like holding a hand raised and home processed steak to McDonald's standards, IMO.
@anotherbob since you've had the opportunity to taste some homegrown, maybe you can offer a better critique.