This is a real dilemma for me, being a B & M business. On the one hand, it just seems unfair that I get penalized for having to add in sales tax by law (trust me, NY State does not take tax evasion lightly) when the same products can be purchased online not only cheaper but without tax and often free shipping. They have absolutely no overhead (comparatively speaking) and their margins can be very thin because there are very few expenses, again, comparatively speaking, e.g. rent, employees, insurance, real estate taxes, heating, cooling, fines for sanitation, and on and on. NYC is particularly adept at finding the most ridiculous ancient laws such as the size of your awning on your store, which they pull out periodically to fine you with.
Yes, of course, we give service and for many, especially the older folk (age as well as attitude) they just don't care.
But for the upcoming young, this is a serious issue.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy not paying 100 per cent sales tax on tobacco. I buy from our online advertisers as much as anyone else. Still, especially on tobacco sales, it is hurtful to legitimate brick and mortar stores who have no choice and cannot possibly compete, except for the good will of the public, which as we know, is disappearing rapidly.
I have no answer, but I think its good for us to see the other side.