Clays are made to be broken. Plus, they smoke hotter than hell when you smoke them.
Meh, if you're careful with them, they can be smoked virtually forever. I don't consider clays - or cobs, for that matter - to be disposable.Clays are made to be broken. Plus, they smoke hotter than hell when you smoke them.
I've heard from many on that drawback, thank you all for the input, it's been most helpfulThe one clay I ever smoked is an antique Brasenose from Colin Lunn, once located in Oxford.
It has an ebonite mouthpiece. What struck we most is the pure taste of the tobacco, like smoking a meerschaum.
Mind you, the bowl will be too hot to hold !
Thanks everyone , still pretty serious about clay, Vulcanite stems looks like the way to go .I have read that they smoke hot but I'll still give it a shot.