Tighter Draw- Am I Alone Here?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 9, 2017
Kentucky, USA
Draw, like everything else in pipe smoking, is highly subjective. If you are sipping your pipe slowly, and not attempting to suck the smoke out of it like a milkshake, then a difference of 1mm probably isn't going to have a significant effect. That said, pick whatever feels good to you. My completely baseless thoughts on this: those who tend to be frequent puffers, or those who take long draws tend to care more than those who sip and/or breath smoke. I can smoke through a 9mm filter and not really notice draw restriction(however I usually don't due to flavor disturbance), mostly because I am not trying to pull air through the draft fast enough for the filter to to be a restriction.. Not to say that frequent puffers are wrong for being what they are. To each his own. :D
I am in slight disagreement with those who say that you can modify your packing or just tamp to tighten up the draw. Yes, this works for the draw, but it can also have a pretty detrimental effect on burn characteristics and moisture accumulation. Some blends taste better with a little moisture, and packing them tighter may result in very poor burn and over-numerous relights which increase heat and contribute to a swamped out heel and shank.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
All of my modern artisan pipes have airways of around 4.0-4.5. My Brian Ruthenberg pipes( 8) are all a bit larger than my Rad Davis and other artisan pipes. His I would guess are around 4.3-4.5. I just pack firmer and I get a great smoke from them.
One day I was at Zack's and he measured some pipes I brought over. The Rads were right at 4.0mm and my lone Mike Butera was at 4.3-4.5 if memory serves. I also believe I brought a Ruthenberg which was closer to the 4.5 or right on it.



Can't Leave
Aug 3, 2017
badbeard, you're not incorrect. Just adjusting the packing / tamping is not alone going to make every pipe smoke well. It's a full meal deal. One must consider tobacco cut, moisture level, chamber shape, wall thickness and many other variables. It boils down to what works best for you, and you alone.

Michael J. Glukler



Can't Leave
Aug 3, 2017
Just to offer a suggestion on how we each differ greatly ..... next time you're at a pipe club meeting or sitting with some pipe smoking buddies, each of you have the fellow to your right or left, whichever works, pack your pipe for you. Check the draw. You may be surprised at the differences. Forget about all trying the same blend. Just the packing alone, will be different.

Michael J. Glukler



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Some blends taste better with a little moisture, and packing them tighter may result in very poor burn and over-numerous relights which increase heat and contribute to a swamped out heel and shank.
Agree with the premise, but your "little" moisture may be quite a lot to others. Otherwise, packing would not be a problem, nor poor burn nor many relights.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 9, 2017
Kentucky, USA
Agree with the premise, but your "little" moisture may be quite a lot to others. Otherwise, packing would not be a problem, nor poor burn nor many relights.
Fair enough.
This just further illustrates how subjective it all is. I personally think English blends taste flat when crispy dry, some will only smoke them that way. I like most blends where they are just dry enough for ribbons not to stick together when pinched. At that moisture level, and with the atmospheric humidity what it is in the Pacific Northwest, packing tighter or tamping it down for a tighter draw will result in a damp, troublesome smoke.
badbeard, you're not incorrect. Just adjusting the packing / tamping is not alone going to make every pipe smoke well. It's a full meal deal. One must consider tobacco cut, moisture level, chamber shape, wall thickness and many other variables. It boils down to what works best for you, and you alone.
Cheers to that!



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
My post above was supposed to have an 8 next to Brian Ruthenberg pipes, not a smiley guy with shades, no idea how that happened.
Mike, totally agree with type of pipe, chamber shape,type of cut ect. I never light a pipe without checking the draw and making sure it has the resistance I am looking for. There are so many variables that go into a great smoke. It is a wonder any of us enjoy this thing of ours.

Jul 28, 2016
Good read,all my Stanwells,(total of 5)wheter is Denmark or Italy made have a 3.70-3.80mm and thats just about right for me, they smoke wonderfully.I was surpriced that My French made Comoy's had more open airflow than Chacoms what I have or Rattrays,those come with tighter airways.but no problems with any of them,whereas if I smoke my Savinellis without 6mm balsa or adapter,then I have a hard time to get them behave to a good satisfactory smoke,

Cosmic,you made a good point when referring to cars and drivin'


Briar Baron

Can't Leave
Sep 30, 2016
The only time I had to adjust a pipe was a Peterson P lip that had a smaller exit hole than all my other Peterson P lips. My other pipes vary in draw but packing can adjust them.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
Oh, don't get me wrong, I have newer pipes with a more open draw that I love smoking and, you're right, I have to adjust my packing to accommodate them, but PREFER, the tighter feel of the old ones.
That's exactly where I am at. I did learn to accommodate pipes with more open draws.
Interesting suggestion from BB about letting someone else pack your pipe.



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Just to offer a suggestion on how we each differ greatly ..... next time you're at a pipe club meeting or sitting with some pipe smoking buddies, each of you have the fellow to your right or left, whichever works, pack your pipe for you.
Yeah, but first I'd want to be sure he's washed his hands after he went to the can. 8O



Aug 20, 2013
I wish all my pipes were as open as a cob. I've never had a problem sucking tobacco into my mouth, even with a cob, and the only time I do is at the bottom of the bowl or when I am purposely drawing very hard to clear the airway.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 1, 2018
I mainly smoke pipes with 9mm Dr. Perl filters so I definitely don't like an easy draw. I think it's really personal preference though. Lucky, there are so many different pipes with all different attributes, to keep us all happy.



Can't Leave
Apr 23, 2017
Reviving this thread Tim! I agree with a really like the feel of a tight draw. I have an Aldo Velani of all brands that has a perfect feel to it, just a slight restriction, but no idea what it’s drilled to. I’m going to keep an eye out for the pipes you mentioned too. Good thread here...



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
Seems I've watched videos and read 'stuff' that describe a tapered draft hole that creates something of a venturi effect.

One such carver suggesting this method, if memory serves, is J.T.Cooke.

Wider draft configurations seem to be easier to maintain. Cleaners pass more easily.

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